by Karen Creamer | May 1, 2018 | Being BRAVE, books, Brave books, Catching women being brave, Clarity, Comfort, family, Interviews, relationships, The BRAVE Interviews
Welcome to this month’s BRAVE Interview with Melanie Delorme!
I am a teacher, a wife, a mother, an author who was given the role of bereaved mom in 2008 when my 8-year-old son, Garrett, was accidentally shot and killed in a hunting accident.
It would have been so easy to allow this horrific experience to define me as a grief-stricken mom for the rest of my life. I’m not sure how long it took me to realize that Garrett deserved a better legacy than that.
I also realized that healing and moving forward was my choice.
I try to choose every day to celebrate Garrett’s life and to remember that knowing him for eight years made me a better person.
I spent a lot of time writing in a journal during the first few years after Garrett’s death. I have since turned my writing into a book and published it. It is entitled, After the Flowers Die: A Handbook of Heartache, Hope and Healing After Losing a Child. I do not want any bereaved parent to ever feel alone. I have recently created a website, promoted my book at book signings, participated in my first TV interview, participated in a live grief webinar. Currently I am working on creating a journaling course for grieving parents. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Apr 1, 2018 | Being BRAVE, Catching women being brave, Clarity, no fear, relationships, The BRAVE Interviews
Welcome to this month’s interview with Stormie Grace!

Being Brave…
Hello everyone I am Astrologer Stormie Grace! …….really what I am is just a human! That comes with its pretty standard fears, insecurities, Delights, Mysteries, and all else that encompasses The Human Experience pause. The two qualities I’ve been invited to talk to you about today from my experience are fear and bravery.
No matter how it presents itself, fear always has this low-level vibration telling me I am somehow not enough as I am, and God forbid I get any different because then I’ll definitely be not enough.
If you know what I’m talking about, you know what I’m talking about, but really, in my experience what Fear actually is actually is the thief that robs me from my life. It should absolutely be classified with stealing, yeah, because it robs me of the moments I could be experiencing how enough I am! And how much Beauty there is in the enough to notice. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Mar 26, 2018 | Clarity, health
I have been practicing energy healing in different forms for many years: Therapeutic Touch, Reiki, Oracle Cards, Crystals. I was fortunate to experience the Jane Fecteau Energy Healing method in action and had great respect for it.
When the opportunity arose to learn with Jane, I jumped at the chance!
I applied and had the great good fortune to be accepted for the maiden voyage of Jane Fecteau’s Emerging Healers online course.

Jane Fecteau
I had several ‘aha!’ moments as I worked my way through the 6 week course.
The weekly modules were available in the Facebook Group so they were easy to find and access. They were short and sweet but powerful. I appreciated the conciseness of the instruction because I’m already very busy. The assignments were pertinent and do-able. Feedback was readily and thoughtfully provided by Jane, but there was the added benefit of the community that developed in the Facebook Group that was very helpful. The icing on the cake was the two live sessions on Zoom. Jane demonstrated the techniques she’d taught us previously and answered questions that arose and further clarified any points requested by students who wanted a more in-depth discussion.
The completion of the course came with unexpected bonuses: a heartfelt message from the instructor as well as a certificate! Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Mar 16, 2018 | Clarity, Comfort, health
I was receiving a distance energy healing session yesterday when something the healer said brought up a memory of a past event.

When I was twelve, we had a rule about going to a friend’s house: if the parents weren’t there, I wasn’t allowed to go. Period. I knew not to even bother trying to argue the point. So, one day my friend invited me over after school. I knew her parents were both elsewhere, but I heard myself saying, “Sure!” and I went anyway.
They had a free-standing couch and while I was talking to my friend, I was standing behind it with my forearms resting on the back of it. I thought it would be fun to pick my feet up off the floor, allowing my weight to cause the couch to start to tip backward and then put my feet back down right at the last minute to keep it from actually tipping over. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Mar 8, 2018 | Clarity, Comfort, Connection, health
I am working on losing weight (yes, still; yes again) and it occurred to me that although misery loves company, maybe victory does, too.

Also, I know that accountability is a very important component of achieving any goal–at least, I’ve discovered this truth applies to me.
I decided a week ago that it was time to dust off my Weight Watchers food scale.
I am a health coach and I talk to people every day who say they want to weigh less, but they are not really doing much (if anything) about it. I offer to help them and they decline. Why do they do this?
Because they already know how to do it.
And, let’s face it. Isn’t that the truth? We already know (probably on many levels) what is best for us. We just don’t act on that information. Keep reading