by Karen Creamer | Oct 15, 2020 | The Holistic Practitioners Interviews
Welcome to this month’s Holistic Practitioner Interview with Dorothy Putnam, Precision Nutrition Coach, Aromatouch Technique Practitioner, Reiki Master, Essential Oil Specialist, and Personal Trainer! Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Oct 8, 2020 | Being BRAVE, Connection
Lynda’s wonderful radio program is on Sunday mornings. I was lucky to be invited to talk with her recently. If you’d like to listen in, you can either stream it online at or in Maine you can listen on WLOB 100.5 FM or 1310 AM. It will air at 11am on Sunday 10/18/20.

by Karen Creamer | Sep 15, 2020 | Book Reviews, books, Metaphysical healing
I have been looking forward to reading this book, Freedom through Numbers: by Finding Your “I AM” by Darlene Chadbourne, for a long time.
I was not disappointed!
In this book, Darlene gives you the tools and a clear explanation of how to do your own numbers and how to interpret what they mean. This is hands on and fun! She also shares her own midlife journey that will inspire and motivate you. I learned some things about myself (such as: “I’m an overdone 6? Huh. Explains a lot … ) that gave me insight into some patterns of behavior in my life and as it’s been said many times, “Knowledge is power!” This book is about Numerology and so much more. You’ll love it! Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Sep 13, 2020 | Being BRAVE, health
Lately, when I’ve been going to medical or dental appointments, I am being confronted with a demand to ‘Just check your temperature real quick’ … as if this is not an invasion of my privacy. As if this is a mandate rather than a request to perform a medical intervention on me. Sometimes it is not even a medical professional aiming that device at my face, between my eyes.
Why question this?

Anytime anyone tells you they are going to do something to your physical body rather than asks your permission, all the red flags should start waving. All the alarms should begin to go off in you mind. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Aug 2, 2020 | Being BRAVE, Clarity, Connection, education, health, no fear, Someone's gotta say it
I decided to treat you all to some stream of consciousness thoughts I had this evening.
I was thinking about how so much of what I was taught in school turned out not to be true. Actually, this is an understatement, because not only was this information not true, it was in fact the opposite of truth.

I began thinking about Fauci (I am sure you have heard of him. If not, turn on any mainstream news channel and you probably hear his name and opinions ad nauseum). Fauci, in my view, is doing his best to ruin our country. Keep reading