I am very proud to be volunteering at The Dempsey Challenge ReikiSession2PKthis weekend.

I was first drawn to Patrick Dempsey as a fan when I discovered that he has dyslexia. This caught my attention because dyslexia runs in my family.  I often point to him as a role model for children with dyslexia:  “Look what he is doing! You can do anything!”

I love a quote about dyslexia from Patrick Dempsey on The Power of Dyslexia’s website: “It’s made me who I am today.” Hmmm…hopefully, he really did say that. (If it’s on the internet, it must be true, right?)

Anyway, I was looking at the mission statement for the healing center:

The Patrick Dempsey Center for Cancer Hope & Healing provides free support, education and wellness services to anyone impacted by cancer.”

Did you catch that little word up there, ‘free‘? I love this. You have cancer? You have a family member affected by cancer? Come to The Patrick Dempsey Center! They will take care of you. The first question will not be: ‘Show me the money.’

I was telling my friend Christine that it’s too bad Lewiston is so far from where I live, because I would SO volunteer for them.

The next day (the next day), my Facebook friend (Reiki Nurse) posted that volunteers were needed for The Dempsey Challenge.

Right? I can drive to Lewiston for one day.

And I shall.