Welcome to this month’s Holistic Practitioner Interview with Annji, Intuitive Mentor

1. WHO are you?
I am a mother, a wife and a friend to many. My given name is Karen Ann, which means “Pure Grace”. During the evolution of my Soul’s journey, I developed the surname “Annji”. The name “Ann” symbolizes grace and the suffix “Ji” is Hindi for “one of honor.” When I began this healing journey, I knew that I was here to make a significant impact on how people interact with themselves and one another.

I was told early on in this journey by The Divine: “You shall heal the healers.”

Each of us is a powerful healer. Some are here on a mission of healing others and how each of us proclaims this Spirit of Healing is unique to our Soul’s destiny. To be a healer means to be open to compassion, loving light, kindness, and to be a representative of this in all matters. Healing is about being imbued in our Self-acceptance and Unconditional Self-love.

My professional journey started ten years ago on the heels of personal chaos.

Over the last ten years, I have transcended so much in my own life. My healing has been significant and this very change has allowed me to be powerful force of Divine Love. I discovered my superpower was in self-love and acceptance, and now on the other side of Spiritual Boot Camp, I am thrilled to be helping many align to their soul’s destiny, their empowered Selves, and transformation.

I AM a Divine Channel for Creator Divine Source.

I work with high vibration energy through Channel, such as Prime Creator, Ascended Masters (Jesus, Mother Mary, Buddha), etc. and Angelic Healing Energy. I also work with 6th Dimensional and higher Light Beings lifeforms. I am a Medium for Beloved and I am an energy healer using the powerful life-force of Creator, as well as channeled healing energies of light beings. One of my specialties is energetically clearing non-beneficial debris of attachments; such as entities, relationship hooks, chords, and more. These attachments can affect both our physical, emotional, and Spiritual health. We can have debris cluttering our homes which also influences our well-being.

2. WHAT is your profession/holistic healing method?
My holistic method is Unconditional Love. I abundantly flow with the energetic stream of this energy which is charged with Unconditional Divine Love. I channel powerful healing light while working with the client, and just through our eye contact alone my clients receiving intense healing. I can be a wellspring of hope for those I help, and that great intention flows to them, resetting them on their journey with renewed energy and desire. It is instant in many cases.

My channels are life-changing for those that I work with, and I am blessed to have this opportunity to share this love with all those placed on my path.

I am grateful for this opportunity and humbly share that each person I am helping is manifesting their healing, they are the empowered energy behind their transformation. It is my job to help them remember that.

3. WHEN did you decide that you wanted to help people in this way?
I have always had the desire to help others. I have spent many years doing just that without realizing it.

I am a source of holding hope, faith, and joy for others until they can do it for themselves.

I use many modalities available to me, such as my sense of humor, my determination, and my joy for life. I didn’t recognize it as ‘helping’ over just being a spirited person. For over ten years I have dedicated myself to my healing and in my healing emerged this powerhouse of Divine greatness. I discovered I AM more than the ‘stories’ I told myself or others said of me. I discovered I AM loving light, capable of healing my physical form, my emotional form, and my Spiritual form. I decided five years ago I was on the journey of doing this on a more significant scale. So although I have been a healer my whole life, I knew it was time to begin demonstrating it fully by embracing it for myself.

I knew I wanted to help people find their footing in their journey, but first I needed to find my own.

4. WHERE does a session occur?
Sessions with me are performed in several ways. My sacred space in my home office, remotely via video conversation, and or telephone. I prefer video when remote because a great deal of healing happens within the eye contact connection. I do my clearings remotely, generally. I prefer the silence and stillness I achieve while doing this valuable work. My education came from the hard knocks of life and communicating with the Divine. I have received messages to read specific literature, but I have a knowing about this work deep within my being. I go to the Master of this life, the Self, which is my Divine Source.

5. HOW does your healing modality help people?
My healing modalities all offer a potent reset of mind, body, and Spirit.

Each of us has three bodies and the energetic exchange between myself, and my client is a grand reset.

This healing is a ripple effect and may take a day or so because the Divine knows how much one can handle and will continue to work within a person for many days, week or months after the healing session. This is very diverse and multi-dimensional in levels. I believe in order to fully understand the potency of the work with me, one has to experience it first hand.

6. WHY do you do what you do?
I do it because I LOVE IT. I am passionate about making this world a beautiful place. I see it as perfect and as a blessing, and I do what I do because there is ONLY LOVE, and I AM this love. I love this world. I love humanity and all that is here.

We are ONE, and I honor every being on this earthly plane.

I do it because I have passion, firm trust in the Divine and KNOW, SENSE, AND FEEL the power we all hold within. I only see the Spirit in all life forms here.

Find Annji on her website here: Eternal Grace Retreat

Read the other Holistic Practitioner Interviews here: The Holistic Practitioner Interviews

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