The CDC just approved Gardasil for adults 27 to 46 years old.

This is bad news.

Reasons why you might want to think long and hard before you get this vaccine:

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) states this on their website: “Most high-risk HPV infections occur without any symptoms, go away within 1 to 2 years, and do not cause cancer.”

Ask around in your community. Almost everyone knows someone who has received the Gardasil Vaccine who had a seizure, passed out after receiving it, and/or developed an ‘auto-immune’ disorder.

It might be affecting fertility. Watch here:

The studies to evaluate Gardasil safety did not use a true placebo, but instead used Aluminium as the ‘placebo’ (an adjuvant found in the vaccine!). The one study that I did find that made reference to a placebo being used, Protocol 18, reported it as ‘Saline*’.

If it was saline, why would Merck find need to place an asterisk after it? So I read further and discovered that what they called Saline* (with asterisk) was not Saline (without asterisk). Their Saline* contained water, 9.56 mg sodium chloride, 0.78 mg L-histidine and 50 micrograms polysorbate-80.

What is polysorbate-80? Click here to read it (and weep). Suffice it to say that it is not an inert substance, so in my opinion, they have no right to call it a placebo.

If you still are interested in having Gardasil injected into you or someone you love, read the 28 page package insert for the Gardasil Vaccine from the FDA website here: Gardasil Package Insert

And then at least you will have made an informed decision.

This is important because if you get sick with a known adverse effect from Gardasil after receiving the vaccine, at least you will have known that it could happen.

Small comfort, in my opinion.