I used to tell people to read the package insert before they made a decision about whether or not to get a vaccination. I directed them in particular to review the ingredient list and the side effects. I used to say, “Make a pros and cons list to weigh the potential benefits against the known risks.”

These things are vitally important to educate yourself about prior to getting a vaccine.

And then the truth came out about Infanrix

Corvelva, an Italian company, decided to test some vials of every vaccine to find out what they contain. The first vaccine they studied was ‘Infanrix Hexa’. [As an aside, I can’t help but note that the distressing name, “HEXa”, turns out to be foreshadowing …]

Because Corvelva’s investigation was not funded by a pharmaceutical company, there was no bias to skew the data to bury any less-than-flattering (to the manufacturer) findings.

And those findings were not pretty.

Read what they found in the vials here: Infanrix Hexa – 65 Toxins Found. All Risk. No Benefit

The main points are these:

  1. The vials contained NONE of the antigens that they were supposed to have in them.
  2. The vials DID contain many substances that were NOT written on the label, including ‘chemical toxins and non-recognizable macromolecules’.

So now it is no longer useful to read the label on the vaccine you may be considering. The sad truth, at least about this one vaccine (and all the others on the market in Italy will also be tested), is that the ingredient list is a joke. How can anyone make an informed decision about a pharmaceutical if the manufacture doesn’t even tell the truth about what is IN it?

