I found this statue at a local thrift store a couple of months ago. I immediately felt it calling and as soon as I picked it up, I could not put it down.

Has this ever happened to you? It was an immediate, strong connection between me and the little statue. The angel is pictured with two children, a boy and a girl (is what I see), which is also what I have. Of course, this is probably a big part of what drew me to it. Anyway, I love it. I have been keeping it on my bureau where I see it frequently.

I checked it for any signature or markings that might identify where it came from, but there were none.

Imagine my surprise when I found another one very much like it at a Goodwill Store a couple of weeks ago!

It’s a sort of a mirror image of the first one. The colors are different, and the angel’s hands are in a different position, but otherwise they are so very alike! This second statue sits on my desk.

Here is the story I have created around these two statues:

The first one, where the angel is holding her hands over her heart, which represents to me that when our children are little, we keep them safe by holding them close to us.

The second statue, where the angel is holding her arms open wide, signifies us sending our adult children out to make their way in the world. Although they may be grown, they are always still their mother’s babies.
