I met the love of my life at the exact wrong time.
When I was in my teens, I thought that everyone at some point in life would meet the person they were destined to marry, the one they were supposed to be with for their whole life, their person. (I didn’t think in terms of ‘soul mate’, but if you do, then this would be the equivalent).
I met him when I was 14 years old at my first church youth group dance, and I knew! He was the one! The only problem was, he didn’t know. I thought, that’s okay! I can wait!!
And I did wait. For years and years. We had a relationship on and off during that time, one that he denied if anyone asked him about. This continued until we graduated from (the same) college, when we lost track of each other.
After a few years, my thinking changed. I decided that some people are lucky enough to find that kind of love, but I must not be one of them. I would find another person to marry, but he would be a friend, and that was okay. I would make that work.
I got engaged.
And then, I really did meet the love of my life.
My person.
There were a million reasons why it should not have been him, but it was.

Me and Bill in our first picture together