After a while, I thought about trying out some of the classes there and then I thought of all the reasons why this was a bad idea: I’m out of shape! I haven’t done an in-person exercise class in years! I don’t remember how to use any of the equipment! And so forth, ad nauseum. Plus, there were a lot of different types of classes (over 60!) and teachers and I had no idea where to even start.
Bottom line: I was afraid to try.
I needed a strategy!
Then an old saying came to mind …
Question: How do you eat an elephant?
Answer: One bite at a time.
And that sparked an idea for how to motivate myself to try.
I created my personal Quest Quest!
Here’s how it works: I will take one of every class offered and take a class with each one of the teachers.
This strategy is working out very well for me. It has motivated me not to second guess which class to take or when to take it or from which teacher. I just look at the class schedule and if there is a class that day I’ve never been to before, or if there is a class taught by someone that I’ve never taken before, I sign up.
Here’s my advice to anyone thinking about becoming more active after maybe a long haitus of not.
Make a plan and start.