by Karen Creamer | Jan 1, 2019 | The BRAVE Interview Series
Here is this month’s BRAVE Interview with Amy Irvine!

1. WHO are you? By trade, I’m a financial planner. I use the term “planner” and not advisor because I think there is massive confusion around that title.
I grew up without wealth, but in a family with a strong work ethic.
The women in my family were amazingly ahead of their time. They had strong personalities. My great-grandmother and I were very close from birth. Perhaps that is because I shared her name and because I spent so much time with her. Her middle name was Grace, and she represented it in so many ways. She reminded me that I could do anything and neither my gender nor my economic status was never to be used as a limitation. I fell into my profession at 22. I was looking for something that would use my accounting degree, but didn’t know what that was and I was lucky enough to be hired by a small trust department. I am also a wife, a daughter, a volunteer and, hopefully, a trusted friend. This is my most important role, although right now the business I started in 2015 is “hogging” me. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Dec 30, 2018 | Clarity, Connection
I’ve talked about the spiritual practice of My One Word every year for many years, and this year is no different. Usually I am writing about it (it’s even in my most recent book, Honor Your Health, Chapter 19!) but this year I tried something different. I gave talks and workshops about it. I have challenged others to engage in this powerful process for themselves.
Often a word shows up to the party long after I have already ‘chosen’ my word. For 2019, a mere two days away, I had my word all picked out, and now it’s not that. This is actually the second time this happened this year! My list of contenders included: Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Dec 21, 2018 | Affirmations, Aromatherapy, Clarity, Spiritual Practice
The two most powerful words you can say are these:
Last year, my friend Melissa Boyd introduced me to a song that embodies this idea in such a beautiful way! I want to share it with you all.
“I am the light of my soul. I am beautiful. I am bountiful. I am bliss.”
I hope you will give yourself the less than three minutes it takes to watch and listen to this video right now. Start with a drop or two of essential oil (may I suggest Rosemary for clarity and remembrance?) on a cotton ball or tissue to engage all of your senses! Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Dec 16, 2018 | The Holistic Practitioners Interviews
Please enjoy this month’s interview with Deb Pouliot, Norwex Independant Sales Consultant. Senior Executive Sales Leader!

1. =&0=& are you? I’ve been a teacher it seems…all my life. Aren’t we all? 🙂 I’m happily married, have 3 great kids and 7 amazing grandkiddos. I think they just get better with each generation! I taught middle school art for 28 years (loved it and still teach privately) and have recently retired thanks to Norwex. Currently I’m a Senior Executive Sales Leader which probably means absolutely nothing to you except I have to wear a red jacket sometimes and
I’m truly passionate about educating people on how to reduce chemicals in their homes.
2. =&1=& is your profession? Norwex is a direct sales company. (Not an MLM…I get that question a lot:) The company is, and I am, very passionate about education people at a more grass-roots level, one on one, rather than having the products in stores without the education. Just helping people make more educated, small steps to reducing chemicals and plastics in their lives is so rewarding. Norwex itself will be 25 years old this coming year. It started in Norway, hence NORWegian EXperience. It’s only been in the US since 2013. It all started with one microfiber cloth taking bugs off a windshield in Norway and has grown into a global company all over Europe, Australia, and North America.
Primarily, it’s teaching people how to clean with just water, mechanically (rather than chemically) removing up to 99% of bacteria and germs off a surface.
Once in the cloth (or mop), the trademarked BacLock, a microsilver technology, goes to work self purifying the cloth! The bacteria within the cloth is unable to respirate so it cannot replicate/colonize within the cloth. Thus, no mold, mildew or odor of stinky cloths, towels, etc…Less laundry too! Love that!
3. =&2=& did you decide that you wanted to help people in this way? It was quite accidental that Norwex entered my life. My oldest daughter, who was expecting twins at the time, asked me to drive her to a Norwex “party”. She wasn’t feeling well but wanted a night out with her friends. She assumed I liked to clean and thought I’d enjoy it. I reminded her of all the chore charts I had for the kids when they were growing up. I ended up driving her but sitting in the corner doing lesson plans while she enjoyed her friends. Then the demos began. The oven. The floors. The infamous butter demo. My mind was blown. This was fun!
I really wasn’t aware at all about how dangerous chemicals were for us. I assumed if they’re in the store, they’re safe. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Dec 1, 2018 | The BRAVE Interview Series, The BRAVE Interviews
Please enjoy this month’s BRAVE Interview with Jessica Michaud! Keep reading