by Karen Creamer | Aug 15, 2018 | The Holistic Practitioners Interviews

I am a certified professional reflexologist.
My journey with reflexology started five years ago. I co-owned a flourishing, profitable catering company. I enjoyed many aspects of running a busy, exciting business, but deep down I knew I had a different purpose to my life.. One day, while floating on the water at my summer cottage, I asked the universe, please help me find my path. That day in August, five years ago, I heard the word “reflexology”. I had no idea what the word meant, what it was all about, I had no concept of what reflexology was. Later that day when I arrived home, I googled the word.
That’s how the journey to changing my life started.
Within six months I had given my side of the business to my business partner( she has continued the business and she is doing fantastic living her life’s purpose), enrolled in reflexology school and trusted that the word I was given would lead me to helping people in the way that I was truly meant to help.
I started with an office in my dining room at home, who needs the dining room anymore? Ha!
After a year I found a office space in a medical building that has worked out beautifully for seeing my clients. I call this time in my life, as … jumping off the cliff. Looking back, I had no idea what I was getting myself into, I had no idea if I would be able to support myself financially, or if anyone would be interested in receiving reflexology.
Sure, I was scared of all of the unknowns and what if’s but I trusted the universe would provide.
The first couple of years I educated my community, or anyone that would listen about the benefits of reflexology. Reflexology is one of those modalities I have found that can be challenging to explain, and one needs to experience to truly understand the benefits. I believe reflexology has opened the door for me to help people feel better, body mind and spirit. It has led me on a path to learning more holistic healing’s to bring to my practice to help my clients. I am forever grateful for hearing that “word” while enjoying my personal favorite place on earth. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Aug 5, 2018 | Book Reviews
I met the author of this book, Maura O’Leary, at the New England Authors Expo at the Danversport Yacht Club in July. We connected immediately, and I was excited to read her story about angels,When Angels Play Poker.

It starts out with a bang, and a (ahem) bang averted. The premise is very interesting: When you die, your assignment is to watch over the last person you thought about before you passed.
In this case, Jimmy was thinking about his brother’s girlfriend, Maura.
When Jimmy begins to read Maura’s story, we learn that, “At an early age, she felt strongly that her purpose on Earth, God’s mission, was to see how long she could survive without being loved by anyone.” My heart was broken when I read this. How many young women feel this way? Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Aug 4, 2018 | Book Reviews
A lovely book that you can read in an afternoon.

I was pulled into the book so early on! “I am a dabbler,” Donna tells us right up front. I am also a dabbler. so I knew immediately I had found a kindred soul in the pages of this book.
Donna discusses the ways we talk ourselves out of doing that which we want to do. In this case, it was gardening: skin too fair = sunburns. And the dirt! And the bugs! Oh wait, maybe that’s me, no her. The stories mesh so well with my own stories that I tell myself. The decision about tomatoes: To cage, or not to cage? That is the question! (Full disclosure: This year I decided NOT to cage, and the tomatoes are literally climbing out of their raised bed and are making their way across the yard. At this point, I am not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing … ) Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Aug 1, 2018 | The BRAVE Interviews
Please enjoy this month’s BRAVE Interview with Killarney Traynor!

WHO are you? I’m Killarney Traynor, an author, bookworm, and tea drinker from the granite state of New Hampshire! I’ve been writing ever since I learned how to read and I love the feeling you get when a good story comes together. I also work with my brother’s film company, Narrow Street Films, writing scripts, producing, acting, and occasionally directing. When I’m not doing that, I’m usually hanging out in bookstores or getting lost in Boston.
WHAT is your One Brave Thing? Self-publishing my first book, Summer Shadows. Although I’d been writing since I was a kid, it wasn’t really something I talked about. Telling people that you write stories means someone is probably going to ask you what your stories are about or, worse, they may ask to read them. When you write, you pour your heart on to paper. As long as no one knew I did this, no one could read and judge the book and, by extension, me. But once I released Summer Shadows, the jig was up and I was forced to come out of the Writer’s Closet and admit, Yes, I wrote this and I think and feel in this way. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jul 15, 2018 | The Holistic Practitioners Interviews
Hello! I’m Meredith Kendall. I teach Reiki and nursing. I love Reiki, and love teaching it to nurses. Reiki is wonderful for self-care.

Reiki is a philosophy of life, a conceptual framework for experiencing your world. Just for today, don’t get angry. If you do feel anger, examine that feeling. Then release it, and any patterns that no longer serve you. Forgive, love, experience gratitude. Don’t worry. Have faith in the workings of the universe. Those are two of our guiding principles.
One thing I love about Reiki is that it happens everywhere, all the time. To get into my Reiki head, I stop. I breathe, center myself, and drop into the flow of the universe. I sense pulsations of energy around me. Keep reading