Animal guides

Verde 2 with Heron photo by Esther Shapiro used with permission

Verde River, Camp Verde, Az. Great Blue Heron photo by Esther Shapiro used with permission

Last week I was driving by the river near my house and saw a Great Blue Heron from the corner of my eye. Amazing! So beautiful! He (I believe) held himself motionless in the river for several seconds so that I could be sure of what I was seeing.

My husband said, “You probably just saw a stick.”

A day or so later, passing by the same river, I saw it again! I had the exact same thought that I am having now as I tell you about it: Amazing!
This time my husband was with me and also saw it. Stick? Ha! I think not!
I was sorry I wasn’t able to get a photo of my heron, and then the next day when I went to work, there he was! The Great Blue Heron was sitting in my email inbox, sent by a friend and colleague, Esther,(who wrote a wonderful book that I reviewed on my other blog, kwrites (just click on her name to read the book review). Keep reading

BOOK REVIEW: Growing Up Psychic by Chip Coffey

You don’t have to suspect your child of psychic tendencies to enjoy Growing Up Psychic book coverreading Growing Up Psychic by Chip Coffey, but if you do, then you’ve found your book. Chip knows his topic from both sides of the equation. He was a psychic kid, and he has worked extensively to help other psychic kids understand, appreciate, and own their individual gifts. He likens psychic ability with, say, the ability to play the flute. He levels the playing field, and thereby makes psychic kids just…kids. Every kid is special and every kid has their own unique abilities. The trick is to foster their confidence and understanding and keep ignorance-related fear at bay. Keep reading

I can see clearly now

My dad’s birthday is 5 days after mine. He died a long time ago, on The Ides of March, 1998. My birthday came and went, and I was thinking, as I do every year, how his was coming now too.

On June first, I found a penny on the ground in the Wal-Mart parking lot. I briefly thought, ‘Pennies from Heaven‘, and then forgot about it.

Then next day, June second, was my father’s birthday. I was in my living room and glanced up to see what time it was. I noticed that the time was 9:20am, and then I noticed that the second hand on the clock was stopped. My first thought was: Damn it! It’s a pain in the ass to take that clock down and replace the battery! My second thought was: Oh. Maybe it’s Dad saying, ‘Hi, I’m here.’ Keep reading

Never break the chain

I am trying to get motivated and get moving again, now that it’s May. Notice I didn’t say ‘warming up’? Because it was in the 30’s last night, for goodness sake!
I have to get moving though, because when it was in the 70’s for 5 minutes back in April, I thought, hey, it’s time. The clothes are, you know, shrinking.
So here’s my tip (which I am borrowing from Jerry Seinfeld, which you already know if you follow my Metaphysical Nurse Facebook page): cross off every day that you complete your goal. For me right now, it’s exercise. Get yourself a string of x’s and you’ll see: you won’t want to miss a day because you won’t want to break the chain. Keep reading

How much is that doggie?

I met a doggie at Zen and Company that my friends Sue and Don are fostering. A troubled dog. A dog that was in trouble. The kind of dog that probably wouldn’t be the first choice of many people to take home. An imperfect dog. Flawed.

Her name? Here’s the thing: whenever I think, What’s her name? I immediately hear, “Ivy”. But that’s not her name.

Her name is Piper Sage. Piper Sage is the luckiest unlucky dog in the world, because she is now with Sue and Don, who have big compassionate hearts that are wrapping Ivy–I mean Piper–in love and protection and support right now. They have done it before for other dogs, and they will surely do it again for new, as yet unmet, dogs.  Lucky dogs. Keep reading