
Remember when the CDC released its conclusions from the study conducted to look at the link between autism and the MMR vaccine? I do. I remember getting a very strong feeling that what they reported was a lie.

Guess what? I wasn’t the only one. Del Bigtree is among the others that also had questions. Concerns. Also, so many parents, who brought their normal child in for the MMR vaccine and took their changed, possibly forever, child home with them.

This movie is not funded by “Big Pharma”. What does that mean? It means that you will receive the facts. Keep reading

Guarding our children from Gardasil

Informed choice often leaves the room when vaccines walk in.  Many parents trust their pediatricians and do not question their gardasilrecommendations about anything. Actually, this is true of many adults with their own physicians, as well.

At routine office visits, a vaccine may be recommended, and it may not even occur to the parent to question it. “Oh, the doctor said my daughter needs this vaccine, so I guess she does.” A consent form covered with miles of tiny print may be presented for the parent to sign. It may be signed after a cursory glance. Keep reading