As a registered nurse, I hope everyone will read this book.

Anthony William’s compassionate guide can help those of us who traditional medicine has failed. Those of us with ongoing health conditions for which medical practitioners don’t have a cure. In many cases they don’t even have a correct diagnosis for our conditions. Sometimes we are even blamed for our health issues by our medical practitioners, as if it’s our own fault that they can’t help us. #BlamingTheVictim is alive and well in the current medical model.

Liver Rescue, like all of Anthony William’s books, puts the power back in our own hands to make decisions about how to help ourselves get and/or stay well. He gives us the tools. He encourages us to start where we are. Use what we have. Do the best we can. Trust ourselves. And he is right there cheering us on.

You must read Liver Rescue (and all the Medical Medium books). They are truly game-changers for your health … and, in my opinion, for your life.

Oh, and I am now a lifelong member of #theceleryjuicemovement. 🙂

Thank you for writing this amazing book!