I had an Emily Dickinson Poetry book for kids years ago. In one of my frenzied de-cluttering efforts, I included it in the bags of books I donated. Now that new life has been breathed into my love of Emily Dickinson by way of Hailee Steinfeld’s #Dickinson (tired of hearing about that yet?), I want it back.

This book is sitting on my current writing desk

I am trying to console myself from missing it by imagining the book in the hands of someone who needed it more than I did and who loves it more than anything.

I decided to get it from the library before I buy it again. Maybe I just need to visit it. This book is organized according to the seasons. I decided to dive right into “Winter”. The illustrations really bring the words to vibrant life. They reach in and grab your heart and hold it tightly, just like Emily’s words.

Here are my favorite lines from the poem “This is my letter to the world” in the “Winter” section:

“This is my letter to the world,

That never wrote to me,–“

Emily Dickinson Poetry for Kids is a wonderful book and I highly recommend it, whether to read yourself or to give as a gift to anyone of any age. To buy it, click here.

Of course, you can also check it out of the library!