You may have heard of Deepak Chopra’s 21 Day Meditation Series.

I have participated in it many times. This year, I decided not to.

And then a friend invited me to a group practice of this meditation series. πŸ™‚

The synchronicity of this was amazing to me. I wanted to do a free 21 Day Challenge in my Facebook Groups but, for various reasons, talked myself out of it.

And then this invitation showed up from my friend Deb to join her 21 Day event!

I decided it aligned with my goals and values to do this. I want to meditate every day so this would help me meet that goal. It provides a nice structure–structure is my friend– so I didn’t have to think about what to do. It involves journaling and I am a strong believer in the power of writing as a therapeutic and spiritual tool. I also value the power of a community of like-minded people all focusing their energies on the same goal.

I liked that there was no pressure and that once it started, if I started I decided it wasn’t for me, I could just drop out, no questions asked. I felt compelled to do this. The idea of feeling ‘compelled’ to do something had just been discussed in a video I watched by Maritza Parra, so I was thinking about it when I received Deb’s invitation. Not in a bad way, but in a sort of low-level-of-excitement-about-what-was-to-come way.

So, I joined the group.

The irony is this: One of the tasks was to create my own 21 day group.

It was listed as optional and my first impulse was that I had already decided not to do that. I kept thinking about it, however. This action was time sensitive, so I couldn’t put off the decision indefinitely. Just as I had felt compelled to join Deb’s group, I felt compelled to create my own group so that I could share what was happening in my life with others.

Because things were happening, after just a few days … positive things, not only in my life, but in my family members’ lives as well. And I almost didn’t notice!! Money showed up. A book club chose my book to read and invited me to their discussion at a restaurant I had been wanting to go to. A refund came in unsolicited for a buyer’s remorse purchase a month ago. I recognized that these were all positive signs of changing patterns in my life, and I wanted to share this with others.

If you are feeling compelled πŸ˜‰, it’s not too late to join us, but we start tomorrow, February 24, 2020, so you have to decide today.

Watch the video for more information:

Click below to join:

21 Days of Abundance with Karen

It’s a brave act to ‘dare to imagine you could have a different life’ (paraphrased from the movie You’ve Got Mail)