Learning a new language

I have renewed my goal of learning to speak Italian this year.

Why Italian? Because half of my family of origin was from Italy. The other half is from Ireland, and I already speak English. 🙂

Also, I want to go to Italy and visit where my grandparents were from. Learning Italian makes me feel closer to that goal, which is, sadly, already about ten years overdue.

This is the second foreign language I’ve studied so far. I learned French when I was younger. I began in seventh grade, continued in high school and college. I remember sitting in the language lab in college and having no fun whatsoever. The end result is that I can understand and read some French, but I am (and was) a poor speaker of it. Keep reading

Gone fishin’!

Learning to fish is on my #2021bucketlist.

When my kids were little, my husband occasionally took them fishing. Fishing time for them meant reading time for me, because I stayed in the car with my book.


Because I never had any interest in fishing. But now, suddenly, I do.

From years of watching North Woods Law, I knew I had that I had to get my fishing license before I could catch a fish. Check! Next, I needed a fishing rod. Check! Next on the list was learning to cast.

Even though it was nineteen degrees out yesterday, my husband decided that it would a great day to teach me how to cast. Keep reading

The Ammo Casting Couch

I am new to shooting and am still trying to figure things out, like where to shoot, how to budget for gear and lessons, and where to get ammo.

To be fair, I think everyone is trying to figure that last one out. Ammo is hard to find and when you do find it, it can be expensive to buy.
I think everyone who shoots knows this. But here’s something that I learned recently that maybe everyone doesn’t know:

There are sexual predators alive and well and doing business among what appear to be the mild-mannered business professionals in my area.

I found a shop nearby that sold ammunition and then just last week I found out I couldn’t get it there anymore. Oh, he still had ammo, and I could afford the (monetary) price, but I discovered that there was a new stipulation attached. Keep reading

Other ways to live

Now that I am no longer watching ANY propaganda—whoops!—mainstream media, I have so much free time to fill with learning and doing new things!

I found Brooke Whipple’s YouTube channel, Girl in the Woods, and I love it.

Why do I love it? Let me count the ways:

I tested it with my one word for this year by asking, “Does this ALIGN with my values?” Freedom? Check. Being brave? Check. Getting outside? Check.

Also, one of the absolute best ways to get out of your head (read: anxiety producing thoughts) is to ground yourself in your body, and one of the best ways to do that is to get outside and be in nature.

So in addition to being able to pretend I am out in the woods alone building a cabin, I also am learning a lot exactly what skills are needed for this. You know, just in case I ever decide to be brave and actually do it! Keep reading

Learning to shoot

I talk a lot about ‘being brave’ and ‘doing the thing you think you cannot do.’

I don’t just talk about it, though, I actually do it. In 2020, I decided that I wanted to learn to shoot.

As is often the case when learning anything new, I didn’t know how to get started. In the past, I might have let this be an insurmountable obstacle.

This time, I did not. I made this happen. Once I let the Universe know my intention, people showed up to help me.

In less than a year I have learned how to shoot a handgun and now am learning to shoot 12 and 20 gauge shotguns. Keep reading

Criminal in doctor’s clothing?

I decided to treat you all to some stream of consciousness thoughts I had this evening.

I was thinking about how so much of what I was taught in school turned out not to be true. Actually, this is an understatement, because not only was this information not true, it was in fact the opposite of truth.

I began thinking about Fauci (I am sure you have heard of him. If not, turn on any mainstream news channel and you probably hear his name and opinions ad nauseum). Fauci, in my view, is doing his best to ruin our country.

The information that he puts out is also a study in opposites.

I started to think that Fauci is either the stupidest doctor on the planet, or else he is a criminal.

That led me to the thought of the college admissions scandal that is ongoing that Lori Loughlin and so many others are caught up in. College admissions can be bought.


This thought brought me full circle right back to Fauci.
What if he’s not a real doctor?

How would we ever know?

What do you think?