The week before I woke my husband up in the middle of the night to take me to the ER, my brother and I had been comparing blood pressure readings via text, just for fun.

We would take turns texting our numbers to each other, joking about which one of us ‘won’ that round (the winner was the one with the highest numbers).

I won a LOT.

And then he had a heart attack.

As the saying goes: “It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt.”

He is home from the hospital now and recovering nicely, but there is nothing like a heart attack, whether your own or your brother’s, to get your attention.

When someone has a significant health event, I always think it pays to look at what you were doing leading up to it happening. What were you eating and drinking? How were you spending your time? How were you feeling overall on any given day? What supplements were you taking? Have you introduced anything new or different in the few months? After all, everything has led up to this point. What will you do differently now to create a different outcome?

So although it happened to my brother, I decided to focus on these things as well. Everything I have been doing has led me to this point in my life. Which of those things might be causing (or aggravating) my health?

What new practices can I introduce in my life to support and improve my health well being?

My brother and I are still trading text messages, but now I am trying to send funny or uplifting messages. 🙂

To be continued … Read Part 1 here and Part 2 here