It’s that time again–time to choose a new word to focus on for the new year.I’ve been doing this for over a decade now. I got the idea from a book and its website:
My word for 2020 was ‘FAITH’, and wow, what a great choice that ended up being!
Sometimes I find the word, and sometimes the word finds me. For 2021, I had a couple of words picked out that I was sitting with: BALANCE and ADVOCATE. I wrote them down on a piece of paper that I left out on my bureau where I could see it every day to sort of try them on for size.
And then another word showed up. This has happened a few times so I am always open to these strays showing up at the last minute. Often they end up being among the most meaningful ones.
That word is …
Usually I eschew making resolutions in favor of choosing the one word, but for 2021 I decided to do both. I will be writing about the resolutions in a future post.
Will you be choosing a word for 2021?
Why not #bebrave and post your word below in the comments?
I had been thinking about this a couple of weeks ago. The word “focus” kept coming to me. When I did a New Year’s morning tarot spread, the cards affirmed the word.
Focus sounds like a very useful word. I have noticed the word JOY hanging around lately, now that I have chosen ALIGN … and that made me think of you, actually. Wasn’t JOY your word one year?