My One Word 2023

I’ve been writing about the practice of choosing one word to focus on for the entire year for over a decade now. I write about and I do it.

The book My One Word by Mike Ashcraft and Rachel Olsen describes the practice. Check it out if you are interested in finding out more about it.

Alternatively, you could visit the My One Word website and learn more that way. I have shared these resources before and I still refer to them from time to time.

My past words have been:

2010: Breathe

2011: Edit Keep reading

Trifecta of resolutions

So as I mentioned in the previous post, my practice for the past several years has been to choose one word to focus on every year rather than making a list of resolutions. For 2021, however, I am breaking my resolutions-fast.

Here’s why: I spent a lot of time in 2020 trying to help people to see and know the truth about many things and for the most part, it was not effective. I know this because I think maybe only about 2 (padded estimate) people actually did appreciate and/or benefit from me doing this. Keep reading

You gotta have faith

I choose a word to focus on every year … and then I start collecting stuff.

In my defense, over the more than 10 years I have been engaging in the My One Word practice, I discovered that it’s very helpful to keep your word front and center by placing it in your field of view when it’s practical to do so. I love and drink a lot of coffee and tea on a normal working day, so a mug makes the perfect vehicle for my word.

I saw this mug at a local yard sale last week.

I was walking up and down the rows of tables when the bright yellow color beckoned. [Disclaimer: Yellow is my favorite color, so my eyes are always primed to see it.] Keep reading

My One Word 2020: Definition

I’ve been thinking about choosing #Faith as My One Word for many years now.

This idea occurred to me when I was writing one of my books. My maternal grandmother had triplet sisters that, sadly, didn’t survive infancy. They were so tiny that they put them into bureau drawers to sleep instead of cribs (according to my memory of family lore, which may or may not be fully accurate).

Their names were Faith, Hope, and Charity.

I thought  it would be great to honor them by choosing one (and maybe more in the future) of their names as My One Word to focus on for the year.

This is the year.

I didn’t get the engraved “faith” stone for this particular purpose; I already I had it. It’s flanked by an Amethyst and a Smoky Quartz that I love. I gave it a place of honor, a place where I will see it frequently throughout the day. Keep reading

My One Word, an ongoing tale

I have been talking a lot recently about how much I recommend choosing a word to focus on every year, so I thought I should look at the practice I had been taking for granted a bit more deeply.

I turned, as I always do, to books. I found this one: My One Word, by Mike Ashcroft and Rachel Olsen. I recommend this book to you. You can find it anywhere books are sold, or at the library, where books are borrowed. 😉 This book is helping me go deeper this year with the process of choosing my word, or rather, allowing my word to reveal itself to me.

Because that’s what is happening this year.

This happened to me once before, in 2015. I already had a word picked out that year but then I looked at the My One Word website and a different word, the word BRAVE, chose me. Now that I have read this (and other) book(s), my true word for 2019 has arrived. It’s a good one. Stay tuned. Keep reading