Anyone who has followed me for even 5 minutes knows that I love the ocean.

Usually I walk the beach on sunny (or sunny-ish) days or a sit in my car with a book and my journal.  Depending on how much time I have, I do both.

Today, I had the time and the desire to go walk, but the weather was not even remotely sunny-ish. It was actually pouring rain and by 5:30pm it was clear that it would not be letting up. I decided to just drive there anyway. I figured I’d sit and read my book for a little while until it was too dark to see the page.

I got there and parked the car. It was almost high tide. I really wanted to walk on the beach but you know, rain. While I sat there, something that husband said to me the other day came to mind:

“Are you going to let some rain stop you from doing what you want to do?”

My response was, “Heck, no!” but that was exactly what I was doing now by sitting in the car.

I decided to get out of my own way–and out of the car.

I’m so glad I did! The water, almost always cold in Maine, was warmer-ish than usual! What a surprise! I found some cool rocks (including a wish rock!) that I added to my car rock collection (the ones in the plastic container that have not yet made it into the house).

It was some of the best time I’ve spent at the ocean this week.

How are you getting in your own way this week? How can you change this?