With the supply of pastina at an all time low, I’ve been thinking about other staples in my diet that have been around since childhood.

Spaghetti is one of them.

I usually buy DeCecco Angel Hair Spaghetti (cooks in 2 to 3 minutes!) but they didn’t have any at the supermarket, so when I was looking for the Prince Pastina (and striking out again), I saw the Prince Spaghetti and thought I’d by a box for old times’ sake. This also reminded me of the commercial from back in the day, of Anthony running through the streets of the North End in Boston to make it home on time for supper.

I also wondered if it would be a good idea to buy a few cases of it to store away in case The Pastina Shortage of 2023 suddenly spreads to spaghetti.

Another though: maybe it would be a good idea to learn to make spaghetti from scratch (I think I’ll put that on my to do list!).

Here’s that video that I mentioned above (because: nostalgia):

What is your favorite brand and type of spaghetti?