I was watching a presentation in a Facebook Group recently and the speaker briefly mentioned totem animals.
This got me thinking that Owl might be a totem animal for me. I looked it up in Animal-Speak Pocket Guide by Ted Andrews. Here is what I read: “Spirits are strong around you. Attend to dreams and to heightened senses. It is up to you to act on that guidance.”
And then suddenly, Owl seemed to be popping up everywhere! It was happening so often that I decided to take some photos of them all (See slideshow below).
The best Owl appearance of all was one I couldn’t get a photo of because it happened too fast. As my husband and I were driving home from the harbor (water!), a large owl flew across the street in front of us and then swooped up into the trees. It was an amazing sight!
I definitely feel like Owl is encouraging me “to act” because this also aligns with guidance I have been getting from cards I’ve pulled recently from different decks.
Do you feel like you have a totem animal?
What is yours?
Here is the book I mentioned above:

Animal-Speak Pocket Guide by Ted Andrews