by Karen Creamer | Jan 29, 2020 | author, books, Connection
After I finished Emily Dickinson’s Poetry for Kids, I looked around for some other Emily books. I found an article tailor made for me here on Book Riot, entitled
Exactly what I was looking for. I manifested what I wanted at almost the exact moment that I wanted it. Isn’t that awesome?

This led me to a book that sounded great, Emily Dickinson Beyond the Myth, but it was only available on Kindle, which is my least favorite way to read a book. And then I noticed that I somehow have been gifted with a Kindle credit which will more than cover the cost of the book! I sent a free sample to my phone and began reading it immediately and it drew me in completely. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jan 26, 2020 | Being BRAVE, Clarity, Metaphysical healing
Lately, I’ve been crazed and obsessed about the number of Instagram followers I had compared to the number of people and businesses I was following.
Here’s the breakdown:
Followers: 400-ish Following: 1200+
It never bothered me before, but for some reason, as we entered 2020, it was the only thing I could think about. I spent days checking to see who was I was following who was also following me, and let me tell you, among those who were not, there were some big surprises. Anyway, it’s been about a week but I have finally finished bringing it all into better balance.

While it felt kind of petty, I also felt very strongly that it was important that I do this, so I saw it through. I’ve learned quite a bit from this exercise. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jan 23, 2020 | author, Book Reviews, books, Comfort, writing
I had an Emily Dickinson Poetry book for kids years ago. In one of my frenzied de-cluttering efforts, I included it in the bags of books I donated. Now that new life has been breathed into my love of Emily Dickinson by way of Hailee Steinfeld’s #Dickinson (tired of hearing about that yet?), I want it back.
This book is sitting on my current writing desk
I am trying to console myself from missing it by imagining the book in the hands of someone who needed it more than I did and who loves it more than anything.
I decided to get it from the library before I buy it again. Maybe I just need to visit it. This book is organized according to the seasons. I decided to dive right into “Winter”. The illustrations really bring the words to vibrant life. They reach in and grab your heart and hold it tightly, just like Emily’s words. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jan 19, 2020 | author, writing
I am still thinking of how I am going to pull this off in my current house. This isn’t about that. It’s not about the where.This is about the what.
This is about the desk.
So, I was at the Goodwill store with my husband this week, poking around to see what we could see, and there it was. The desk I had when I was a girl. Well, not the actual desk (I don’t think, but who knows? The Universe is amazing! Maybe it was the actual desk!) but one just like it. My heart stopped, the way it does when I walk into a book store. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jan 15, 2020 | Clarity, Connection, family, TV series
When I watched Dickinson on Apple TV, I loved how she had her writing desk pushed up against the wall under the window.

Why didn’t I ever think of pushing a writing desk up against the wall under the window?
What an opportunity lost! I began scanning all the rooms in my house for walls that I might push a writing desk up against with windows I might push a writing desk under. I narrowed it down to three, but one of them was in my daughter’s room, and I don’t think she’d take kindly to my positioning one there.
But I might anyway! Her room has the best light at the time of day that I often write. Also, and maybe more importantly, the wall in her room has nothing in that spot (not true of the aforementioned other windows), thereby officially making it the path of least resistance. Keep reading