by Karen Creamer | Jul 7, 2018 | Connection, Spiritual Practice
Many Saturdays you’ll find me at the Kennebunk Community Market with my books. There are a lot of other vendors there, of course, one of which I am going to talk about today.
Jim Decker is a Maine Artist who paints a variety of images ranging from animals to people to landscapes. He is often in the space opposite mine, so I am privileged, not only to watch Jim work, but to gaze at his paintings that are on display.

What inspired me to write about Jim is the way he connects with all different people of all different ages. I was also struck recently about how children seem to gravitate to him, and how kind he is to them. I have seen him put the paintbrush he was just using into the hand of a girl and encourage her to paint the painting he was just working on. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jul 2, 2018 | The BRAVE Interview Series, The BRAVE Interviews
Please enjoy this month’s BRAVE Interview with Jane VanVooren Rogers!
Thanks to Karen Creamer for inviting me to participate in the Brave interview series!
I’m Jane VanVooren Rogers, writer, editor, and speaker. I have a poetry chapbook, “How to Avoid Being and other paths to Triumph,” and I’ve written hundreds of print and online articles in the last 20 years.

I’ve edited novels, memoirs, and personal growth books, helping clients polish their words before they release them into the world. I’m really enjoying helping people do that, and I’d love to follow in their steps and release more of my words into the world through nonfiction books and poetry. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jun 27, 2018 | Book Reviews, books
What would happen if you took a leave of absence from your job, packed your bags, and headed off for a trip around the world?

Blue Sky Morning by Christine Maier
This is exactly what Emily does in Blue Sky Morning.
Emily is going about her life, minding her own business, when a car accident breaks it all open.
Everything she knew and maybe even took for granted was immediately thrust into chaos. Up was down. Left was right. All the rules no longer applied. So what did Emily do? She was #brave, left her sheltered life, and flew out into the great unknown.
Of all the countries, I especially enjoyed Emily’s description of Italy. It’s been my lifelong dream to go to Italy, and I loved being able to experience it vicariously through her eyes. One thing I have been doing this year is making an effort to surround myself with #allthingsitalian to put me more on the vibration of (a la the Law of Attraction) going there myself. This fit that bill perfectly. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jun 10, 2018 | The Holistic Practitioners Interviews

1. WHO are you?
Even as little as a year ago, I would have answered the question “Who are you?” in as little as four words, “I am an acupuncturist.” I would have been proud, because I love what I do, but I wouldn’t have given my simplistic answer a second thought. Now, I realize that I am so much more, we all are.
I am a free spirit who delights in many things, and the more I get to know myself the more I realize that there are many aspects that make up a person that extend beyond career path. To simply call myself an acupuncturist doesn’t seem fitting, rather acupuncture is the work I choose that allows me to freely and naturally express my true nature. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jun 1, 2018 | Being BRAVE, Catching women being brave, The BRAVE Interview Series, The BRAVE Interviews
Welcome to this month’s BRAVE Interview with Jane Fecteau!

WHO are you? Hi! My name is Jane Fecteau. I am a medical intuitive, energy healer and I specialize in helping people with chronic pain and chronic illness conditions using energy healing methods. Over the years, I have trained many practitioners in the same healing techniques that I use every day. These trademark techniques help my clients attain greater levels of health and balance in all aspects of their lives; physical, emotional, spiritual and Life Path. Although I taught many practitioners with in person classes, I wondered how many more people I could help if I had an on-line school! From this perspective I could help anyone in the world, from across all stages and phases of life, who want to commit their lives to healing others. In my 19 years of practice I’ve established a client base in all 50 states and a sizable amount from all across the world. As I served more people, I realized I could do even more if I had a school.
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