On the right track?

I get a lot of my big ideas near the water, and often that means at the ocean.  One particular day when I was dreaming big and wondering if it was too big, I asked the Universe, “Am I on the right track with this?”


I kept listening for an answer, and the signs arrived pretty soon thereafter. I saw a mussel shell, a small one, that reminded me of my childhood when I often spent summer days at Nantasket Beach with my grandmother. I collected these shells and kept them in a shoebox on her front porch. Keep reading

Should I or shouldn’t I?


Have you ever been in a decision-making quandary? Should I stay or should I go? Is this good or is this bad? Should I do it now or should I wait?

A pendulum can be a handy (no pun intended 🙂 ) tool to come to your rescue. This chakra quartz crystal pendulum came from Lavish Earth. I wasn’t looking for a pendulum that day, but (as so often happens), this pendulum was looking for me.

I love it when things like that happen!

To clear your crystal pendulum of any unwanted or stagnant energy (either when you first bring it home or when it’s not giving you clear answers), you have several options. Today, I am clearing my pendulum by leaving it out in the sunlight for a while. That’s all. Keep reading

The 81st day of my first 100 days of GRACE

I was driving with my daughter this morning on a quick errand, when she asked me this question:

Izzy: What is the significance of June 19th?

Me: Why do you ask?

Izzy: It’s been on my mind and I can’t think of what it means.

Me: It’s your great grandmother Emily’s birthday.  

Nana Emily

Izzy’s middle name is Emily. so I reminded her that this is my grandmother whom she was named for. Next, I mentioned that I had a dream about that Nana a few days ago.

And then this  happened: A black pick up truck passed us with the license plate: GRACE Keep reading

Angel and oracle cards

You can book a card reading (either with me-see my metaphysical services page or with others) to have an angel cardsangel card reading, but you can also do your own! There are dozens and dozens (hundreds?) of different card decks out there, so you are certain to find cards that resonate with you. Some excellent stores, like Zen and Company, have open boxes of the card decks so you can see what the cards actually look like and if they speak to you before you buy them.

As for how to give yourself a reading, every deck I have ever used comes with instructions and often a little guide book to help you get started. There is no shortage of how-to videos on You Tube to help you learn as well. The best guide, however, is your own intuition. The more you work with your cards, the more confident you will feel that you are getting accurate insights from them. Keep reading