by Karen Creamer | Jun 1, 2020 | #getoutside, Affirmations, Being BRAVE, Clarity, news, no fear
Some questions to ponder:

Have you noticed that the violent riots being called ‘protests’ by the MSM are occurring in states that are currently locked down by tyrant governors who won’t listen to their constituents?
Have you noticed the videos posted by citizen journalists that show piles of bricks on pallets on street corners where masked rioters dressed in black are terrorizing people and smashing things up? Who put those there? They’ve said there is no construction happening in those areas. And why aren’t we hearing about this from the mainstream news broadcasts? Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Dec 21, 2018 | Affirmations, Aromatherapy, Clarity, Spiritual Practice
The two most powerful words you can say are these:
Last year, my friend Melissa Boyd introduced me to a song that embodies this idea in such a beautiful way! I want to share it with you all.
“I am the light of my soul. I am beautiful. I am bountiful. I am bliss.”
I hope you will give yourself the less than three minutes it takes to watch and listen to this video right now. Start with a drop or two of essential oil (may I suggest Rosemary for clarity and remembrance?) on a cotton ball or tissue to engage all of your senses! Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jan 7, 2018 | Affirmations, health
I have had one of the worst colds of my life this winter, and I don’t say that lightly.
I never get sick!!
(So, wait, I guess I can’t say that anymore…)
At the first sign of illness, I start breaking out all my artillery for prevention and treatment, in case any symptoms persist or try to sneak through my fire wall. Affirmations: I am healthy! I feel great! Acting ‘as if’ I was well: I continued with my usual routine, including a book selling event that I absolutely should have stayed home from. I took some Airborne. I thought ‘well’ thoughts.
I didn’t improve. What happened was this:
I got sicker and sicker.
I drank extra fluids. I took Manuka Honey in my Gypsy Cold Care and Throat Coat Teas. I did salt water gargles four times a day–okay, once a day when I remembered. I took hot showers and inhaled the steam into my lungs.

I broke down finally and bought some of my go-to cough drops, the ones that always helped me weather the coughs of yore: Hall’s Cherry Menthol (even though I know they typically don’t work any better than hard candy to stop a cough). I started taking them liberally.
My cough got worse!
Every time I had one, shortly after I put it in my mouth a relentless coughing jag began. I’m sorry to tell you that it took me three days of this happening to connect the dots and figure this out. My disclaimer is this: I was sick! It had been several days! My daughter said, “Here, take my cough drops, Mom. You need them more than I do.”

I had been a cough drop snob prior to this, and declined when she first offered them because I was holding out for my Hall’s. Her cough drops were generic. After I figured out that the brand name cough drops were just making me cough more, though, I changed my stubborn mind.
Guess what? The generics worked just fine.
Note to self: Be a health detective! Don’t assume that if something worked for you in the past that it still will now! Pay attention to your body’s cues. If your cough goes into overdrive after you take the cough drop, that’s a pretty good sign that it’s exacerbating the situation and you need a new strategy!
Be well!
by Karen Creamer | Jul 6, 2016 | Affirmations, Spiritual Practice
I was in the drive through at the bank with my husband, waiting while the teller was counting out our deposit.

While I was waiting, I started thinking: “I am a money magnet!” and “Wealth is just pouring into my life at a rapid rate now!”
Why not? I had to sit there and wait anyway. MIght as well make it fun.
Then, we heard her call us over the microphone:
“There’s an extra $70 here. Did you want to deposit that, too?”
Yes! Please!
Thank you, Universe!
by Karen Creamer | Mar 13, 2016 | Affirmations, Rocks and Crystals, Spiritual Practice
I first learned about wish rocks years and years ago from an article about them I read in a magazine (sorry, I forget which one) by (I think)
Pamela Redmond Satran.

A wish rock is a rock that has a stripe that goes all the way around the circumference of it. It can be thick or thin, even or wavy. Sometimes, if you are really lucky, you see double wish rocks-2 lines going around the stone.
When you find one, you can hold it in your hand, infuse it with some wishes (just speak your wishes, either aloud or silently to yourself, to the stone), and that’s it! Carry it in your pocket, put it on your bureau, or whatever you like.
You can make a wish rock for someone else. It’s the same process, except that you make the wishes for the other person.
What a cool idea, right? Kind of like affirmations. Give it a try!
by Karen Creamer | Feb 14, 2016 | Affirmations
As I took my third (fourth?) significant fall down my icy back stone stairs, I wondered what the lessons here are that I keep not getting, which causes me to continue to repeat this fall.

I decided to spend some time thinking about this today. Here are the messages I got:
- Slow down.
- Pay attention.
- Be balanced.
- Consider your next step carefully.
- I already have everything that I need for healing (as in: Reiki, arnica, ice, epsom salts, lavender oil, ace wraps, commiserating friends) .
- Slow down (it bears repeating).
So, I will try to remember these lessons all of the time, and not just as I am leaving my house.

Oh yes, one more lesson: Yaktrax are your friends. Don’t leave home without them. 🙂