Learning to shoot

I talk a lot about ‘being brave’ and ‘doing the thing you think you cannot do.’

I don’t just talk about it, though, I actually do it. In 2020, I decided that I wanted to learn to shoot.

As is often the case when learning anything new, I didn’t know how to get started. In the past, I might have let this be an insurmountable obstacle.

This time, I did not. I made this happen. Once I let the Universe know my intention, people showed up to help me.

In less than a year I have learned how to shoot a handgun and now am learning to shoot 12 and 20 gauge shotguns. Keep reading

Criminal in doctor’s clothing?

I decided to treat you all to some stream of consciousness thoughts I had this evening.

I was thinking about how so much of what I was taught in school turned out not to be true. Actually, this is an understatement, because not only was this information not true, it was in fact the opposite of truth.

I began thinking about Fauci (I am sure you have heard of him. If not, turn on any mainstream news channel and you probably hear his name and opinions ad nauseum). Fauci, in my view, is doing his best to ruin our country.

The information that he puts out is also a study in opposites.

I started to think that Fauci is either the stupidest doctor on the planet, or else he is a criminal.

That led me to the thought of the college admissions scandal that is ongoing that Lori Loughlin and so many others are caught up in. College admissions can be bought.


This thought brought me full circle right back to Fauci.
What if he’s not a real doctor?

How would we ever know?

What do you think?

Call of The Matrix

Several months ago, I got the impulse to watch the movie, The Matrix

Yes, the one from 1999. I had never seen it. I didn’t know why, but it kept coming to mind. I’ve learned not to ignore these pings from my intuition, so I ordered  a copy from the library–you know, back when the library allowed you to borrow items via their inter-library loan program, that has since been suspended indefinitely … but I digress.

Once the movie arrived, I put it into the player and settled in. I got to the part where Neo’s body is found in the network of all the pods and he begins to wake up, to pull that tube out that is in his throat, and then I stopped. I didn’t want to watch anymore. I didn’t know why, but as I said, I trust my gut on these things. I ejected the movie and returned it.

Fast forward to June 6th, 2020. I got that pull again. “You have to watch The Matrix“. This time, I googled the movie, looking for another way to watch it for free, and I found it. This time I sat riveted until the very end.

What was different?

When I watched it the first time, I didn’t know as much as I know now about what has led up to what is going on in the world. There were several scenes from the movie that would not have held the same meaning for me had I not waited to watch it in full. Bottom line: I didn’t know then what I know now. I wouldn’t have understood. The movie wouldn’t have held the same messages for me, the same validations.

Past predicts future.

Have you ever seen this movie? If you have, I recommend you watch it again now. If you have not, I also recommend that you watch it! Keep reading

Change the way you look at things

I have figured out how to listen to the local and national news broadcasts, most of the local and national politicians, and have it make sense.

You see, I have been wondering for weeks, months, years, why so much of what I saw and heard was happening in the world just didn’t make sense to me. Why does the government get to just take so much of the money that I’ve made over the entire course of my working years? If I just took money from others it would be called ‘stealing’. When the money was taken from me via my paycheck it was called ‘taxes’.

As an RN, I didn’t understand why, when people were ‘following the rules’ of the medical establishment, getting all the preventive testing, taking the recommended medicines, having the surgeries they were told they needed, they were getting sicker and sicker instead of better.

And then it hit me: Everything ‘they’ are telling us to do is the opposite of what we should be doing to stay well! Everything ‘they’ are telling us about the world is the opposite of what is true!
Stick with me here. Try it for yourself. Every time you’re listening to or watching something and you think, hey, that doesn’t make sense!’– flip it!

For example: You are told that you should self isolate and self quarantine to protect you from the virus. You hear this and think, that doesn’t make sense! I have lived my entire life without doing these things to prevent illness. My immune system protects me from illness. I’m not sick! I know getting outside to be in the sun for 20 minutes every day is a good thing!

So, flip it! You should NOT self isolate and quarantine! This contributes to illness! Ahhhh. Something clicks. Now it makes sense.

Here’s the bottom line: ‘They’ do not have your best interests at heart. ‘They’ have a different agenda that does not include your well-being.

Stop doing what you are being told is ‘good’ for you.

Question everything!

Think for yourself.
Trust yourself.

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” ~Wayne Dyer

And since we are talking about Wayne Dyer’s quote, I decided to include this clip of him here. It’s just a few minutes long and well worth watching.

Are there any adults in the room?

Some questions to ponder:

Have you noticed that the violent riots being called ‘protests’ by the MSM are occurring in states that are currently locked down by tyrant governors who won’t listen to their constituents?

Have you noticed the videos posted by citizen journalists that show piles of bricks on pallets on street corners where masked rioters dressed in black are terrorizing people and smashing things up? Who put those there? They’ve said there is no construction happening in those areas. And why aren’t we hearing about this from the mainstream news broadcasts?

In some states, these riots are coming at a time when some of the locked-down-for-no-reason business owners have informed the governor that they will re-open—could this really be a coincidence?

Could sending in individuals paid to destroy property and injure people be the next step in how the governors force the law abiding business owners to remain closed, unable to earn an income and support themselves and their families?

What do you think?

Don’t believe what you are being told by the MSM. Ask your own questions! What makes sense to you?

While you were sleeping

It’s not your fault if you are afraid.

Everything you have experienced in your life up to this point has was designed to make you feel this way. Powerless. Scared. Maybe even despairing. Hiding in your home. Afraid to go out. Afraid to go to work.

Or, maybe you are one of the people who has decided to rat out your fellow citizens. To spy on them and tell on them. Your friends and neighbors. People you used to like, maybe. You are doing this in the name of “the greater good”, feeling virtuous because you think you are keeping everyone “safe”. You’ll show them. Keep reading