by Karen Creamer | Jan 31, 2020 | Clarity, Comfort, Connection, fitness, health, Holistic Healing, Metaphysical healing, Spiritual Practice, yoga
My friend Holly, acupuncturist and yoga teacher extraordinaire, is offering a 3 Day (Free) Yin Yang Yoga Challenge.

I love a challenge!
I also love sleep.
This challenge requires getting up at 7am (almost dawn!) three days in a row, two of which I was planning on, um, not doing that.
Then I saw Holly’s FB live last night, inviting those of us who like to sleep in (me! me!) to consider getting out of bed early to participate live. What could I do?
She had my number, as they say.
Maybe she has yours, too.
It’s not too late to join! You participate from the comfort of your own home and no special props are required—you can truly come as you are. It lasts about half an hour. Watch (and practice along!) with the replay from this morning’s class, “I am worthy”, which is posted in the group. Then join us live this Saturday and Sunday (2/1/20 and 2/2/20) morning at 7am. Just join Holly Pelletier’s Facebook Group by clicking here: 3 Day Yin Yang Yoga Challenge Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jan 29, 2020 | author, books, Connection
After I finished Emily Dickinson’s Poetry for Kids, I looked around for some other Emily books. I found an article tailor made for me here on Book Riot, entitled
Exactly what I was looking for. I manifested what I wanted at almost the exact moment that I wanted it. Isn’t that awesome?

This led me to a book that sounded great, Emily Dickinson Beyond the Myth, but it was only available on Kindle, which is my least favorite way to read a book. And then I noticed that I somehow have been gifted with a Kindle credit which will more than cover the cost of the book! I sent a free sample to my phone and began reading it immediately and it drew me in completely. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jan 15, 2020 | Clarity, Connection, family, TV series
When I watched Dickinson on Apple TV, I loved how she had her writing desk pushed up against the wall under the window.

Why didn’t I ever think of pushing a writing desk up against the wall under the window?
What an opportunity lost! I began scanning all the rooms in my house for walls that I might push a writing desk up against with windows I might push a writing desk under. I narrowed it down to three, but one of them was in my daughter’s room, and I don’t think she’d take kindly to my positioning one there.
But I might anyway! Her room has the best light at the time of day that I often write. Also, and maybe more importantly, the wall in her room has nothing in that spot (not true of the aforementioned other windows), thereby officially making it the path of least resistance. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jan 12, 2020 | Adult children, Comfort, Connection, family, gardening, good grief, Holistic Healing
I used to buy a primrose every year in January or February and then plant it in the yard in the spring.
I first began doing this the year my mother died to honor her memory, and then continued doing it after that because it brought me comfort.

After a while, I had quite a beautiful primrose garden going. When we moved to a new house, though, I suddenly had trouble finding primroses that looked good at the time that I wanted them, and slowly my practice died off.
This year, I was just running into Hannaford to grab some groceries quick and there they were. All those pretty little primrose faces looking up at me, waiting for me. A beautiful yellow one came home with me. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jan 7, 2020 | #getoutside, Connection, Spiritual Practice
I love sleep.
When I don’t have to be at work or at an appointment early, my first impulse is always to sleep in. To sleep late. To luxuriate under the covers with no demands made on me.
When my husband has to be up early, I get up with him and see him off, and then I make myself a cup of coffee and take it back to bed. I might drink half of it but then I go back to sleep.

This feels like a total gift.
Other times, however, I stay up. Like today. I went outside in the dark and looked at the sky. I looked at the snow. I smelled the air. I breathed it all in. I felt the crunching ice under my boots. I realized that being outside in the dark at this early hour was helping me feel grounded in place. It conveyed an “I am right where I am supposed to be” feeling to me that helped me feel calm and centered. Connected not only to the physical world but to myself, as well as to all of the other people that might have also been up early, looking up at the sky. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jan 6, 2020 | Angel and Oracle Cards, Clarity, Connection
Probably you’ve heard a version of this at some point in your life:
You are–or are not–my cup of tea
My friend Maritza Parra created Courage Cards and does a free pull every month on her Facebook Page. This is the card she pulled for me:

I was part of an activity last year that Maritza held that included making a drawing of what the phrase meant to me. I drew my picture back in June, 2019, and I still have it.

When she pulled my card, I immediately recalled my drawing. It’s message to me is even more powerful today than it was the day I first thought of it. One person cannot be everything to everyone. We are liked by some people and maybe not so much by others. What we create will resonate with some and grate on others. Keep reading