by Karen Creamer | Feb 23, 2020 | #getoutside, Animals, Being BRAVE, Connection, Metaphysical healing, relationships, tweens
I decided to spend some time journaling to ask Elen of the Ways what she had to tell me. After all, she didn’t just show up because Maine is an awesome place to vacation (although it is, that’s true).
Why did she show up in my life now? Not last month or last year. I did some Automatic Writing and got some interesting messages. One of them was this:
Remember the Salamanders.

Salamanders? Um, what? And then I did remember.
When I was a girl, I used to sort of collect salamanders. I would find them in the woods under rotting logs and capture them, and then put them in a shoe box. I’d bring them home and keep them on the back porch for a while. My mother was pretty tolerant of all kinds of animals but I wonder if the salamanders pushed that boundary. Probably not. Of course, i did let them go. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Feb 19, 2020 | #getoutside, Being BRAVE, Connection, Holistic Healing, Metaphysical healing, no fear
I am following where Elen is leading.
I found this about Elen on
“She is Protectress of the Pathways; whether they are physical, mental, or spiritual paths. She is Guardian of all who journey.”

“Most likely a Goddess from a much earlier time who presided over the dream pathways; Elen of the Ways is a culmination of legend, myth, and history.”
I am on a journey. I mean, really, aren’t we all? I’ve never thought of myself as being the outdoor type, but after working with Elen for a few days, I am reminded that I do have a deep connection to nature, as evidenced by the bowls of rocks and shells all over my house, for one thing. The glasses of lemon thyme and basil rooting on my windowsill from my summer herb garden, for another. Also, several of my books are about tree, rocks, crystals, and angels. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Feb 16, 2020 | #getoutside, Connection, Metaphysical healing
I was thrift shopping with my husband, something we often do. As we walked in, he went left, and I went right.
My gaze swept over the shelves and was immediately held.

I felt like she called me over. I didn’t make eye contact right away. I looked at everything around her before I allowed my eyes to fall directly on the figure.
After I noticed Elen, the next thing I noticed was that she had antlers. Well, she had antler, singular. There was a left antler and then there was the space where the right antler used to be.
I put her down and walked away. As a recovering perfectionist, my first thought was, “Oh, I love her but I can’t buy her because she is broken.”
I walked away. I walked around a little. I felt anxious about leaving here there. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jan 7, 2020 | #getoutside, Connection, Spiritual Practice
I love sleep.
When I don’t have to be at work or at an appointment early, my first impulse is always to sleep in. To sleep late. To luxuriate under the covers with no demands made on me.
When my husband has to be up early, I get up with him and see him off, and then I make myself a cup of coffee and take it back to bed. I might drink half of it but then I go back to sleep.

This feels like a total gift.
Other times, however, I stay up. Like today. I went outside in the dark and looked at the sky. I looked at the snow. I smelled the air. I breathed it all in. I felt the crunching ice under my boots. I realized that being outside in the dark at this early hour was helping me feel grounded in place. It conveyed an “I am right where I am supposed to be” feeling to me that helped me feel calm and centered. Connected not only to the physical world but to myself, as well as to all of the other people that might have also been up early, looking up at the sky. Keep reading