When the unthinkable happens

It’s hard to imagine the unthinkable, the loss of a child.
Unless you don’t have to imagine it.

Unless it has happened to you.

Then you don’t have to imagine it. You are living with it every single day.

Two women who have been through want to help others who have also experienced this unfathomable loss get through it, too.

Meet Laura Diehl and Melanie Delorme. Both are mothers who have lost a child.

Laura Diehl is known for extending a light of hope to bereaved parents. Through her writing, speaking, and coaching, she walks with grieving parents in their place of darkness, without judgment or shame, to learn how to live a life of meaning and purpose again. Laura found herself in a place of suffocating darkness after the death of her daughter, Becca, with no one to turn to for help in navigating out of the deep pit of grief. Today, as a bereaved mom living a life of fulfillment, purpose, and destiny, Laura invests her time in helping grieving parents journey from a place of brokenness to becoming a re-purposed vessel in a way that honors the life of their child, instead of living in the shadow of their child’s death.” Laura Diehl’s books are available here and wherever books are sold. Keep reading

Cough Drop Snob

I have had one of the worst colds of my life this winter, and I don’t say that lightly.

I never get sick!!

(So, wait, I guess I can’t say that anymore…)

At the first sign of illness, I start breaking out all my artillery for prevention and treatment, in case any symptoms persist or try to sneak through my fire wall. Affirmations: I am healthy! I feel great! Acting ‘as if’ I was well: I continued with my usual routine, including a book selling event that I absolutely should have stayed home from.  I took some Airborne. I thought ‘well’ thoughts. Keep reading

New Blood Pressure Guidelines

The American Heart Association has announced new blood pressure guidelines.

What does this mean for you?

Usually, when new guidelines for blood pressure are announced, what is really happening is that the bar is being lowered to make more people who were healthy a minute ago be hypertensive now.

I call it “The Patient-ification” of healthy Americans.

By the prior guidelines, you would be diagnosed with hypertension (high blood pressure) if you got readings (usually three consecutive, but I have heard of someone being handed a prescription for Norvasc after one high reading) of 140/90 or higher. Now the guidelines have dropped the range to allow doctors to diagnose you with hypertension if your blood pressure reading is higher than 130/80. Seriously, now “nearly half of American adults” will be considered to have high blood pressure. Keep reading

The BRAVE Interview #11 June 2017: Chris Ann

Here is this month’s BRAVE Interview with Chris Ann:

The concept of being brave has never been a foreign one to me. Bravery is what I have embodied through out my life. I was brave when I become very ill as a child and had to suffer painful stomach problems when the doctors could not figure the issues until I was an adult. Bravery is what I had to channel when I was a young woman going to the big city of Boston to be an intern. I was so scared to take the train in by myself and navigate the streets of Boston to later become the youngest, degreed Sign Language Interpreter in the State of Massachusetts. I was brave when I was no longer able to work due to a life altering work injury. I was brave when I suffered miscarriage after miscarriage in my pursuit of being a Mom. Brave was all that I could be! Keep reading

Happiness at the Saco River Market

jggreenthinking-jenniferNext time you go to the Saco Market in Biddeford, make sure you experience the therapeutic scents from Green Thinking.

I met Jennifer Greiner at the market when I overheard someone asking her about her ‘Grounded’ and ‘Happiness’ rollers and I went over to investigate. She invited me to try out some of the samples, and I had a hard time picking out a favorite. She suggested I put it on and wait a little while, sort of sit with it, until I was sure. This was a great strategy. Keep reading

The BRAVE Interview #3 October 2016: Sheila Brownlow

Here is #3 in The BRAVE Interview series! It’s the Who, What, When, Where, How,  (and sometimes Why) of YOUR ‘one brave thing’! November’s interview is with Sheila Brownlow!


WHO AM I?  Sheila Brownlow

MY ONE BRAVE THING—when, where, with whom:  I have stopped discussing eating, how upset I am at my eating, how much I weigh, whether I am peeved at myself for overeating, how awful I am for not weighing 110 lbs., whined about how I can’t eat like a normal person anymore at age 55, or otherwise wasting time – precious time – talking with my friends, so many good friends….about eating and weight.  Not in person, not online.  For one month.  Keep reading