The obstacle is the way

I used to be very active. Even though the closest studio was a bit of a hike for me to get to, I went to yoga several times a week. It wasn’t always an easy class, either, but I went.

Practicing yoga is one of my favorite ways to exercise, but somehow, I got a way from it. A series of small things occurred, not the least of which was my favorite yoga teacher (Kristen! I miss you!) moved several states away. And the less I exercised, the more I ate.

The more I ate, the smaller my yoga clothes got.

And the smaller my yoga clothes got, the less I wanted to go to yoga. Keep reading

The BRAVE Interview #11 June 2017: Chris Ann

Here is this month’s BRAVE Interview with Chris Ann:

The concept of being brave has never been a foreign one to me. Bravery is what I have embodied through out my life. I was brave when I become very ill as a child and had to suffer painful stomach problems when the doctors could not figure the issues until I was an adult. Bravery is what I had to channel when I was a young woman going to the big city of Boston to be an intern. I was so scared to take the train in by myself and navigate the streets of Boston to later become the youngest, degreed Sign Language Interpreter in the State of Massachusetts. I was brave when I was no longer able to work due to a life altering work injury. I was brave when I suffered miscarriage after miscarriage in my pursuit of being a Mom. Brave was all that I could be! Keep reading