by Karen Creamer | Feb 16, 2020 | #getoutside, Connection, Metaphysical healing
I was thrift shopping with my husband, something we often do. As we walked in, he went left, and I went right.
My gaze swept over the shelves and was immediately held.

I felt like she called me over. I didn’t make eye contact right away. I looked at everything around her before I allowed my eyes to fall directly on the figure.
After I noticed Elen, the next thing I noticed was that she had antlers. Well, she had antler, singular. There was a left antler and then there was the space where the right antler used to be.
I put her down and walked away. As a recovering perfectionist, my first thought was, “Oh, I love her but I can’t buy her because she is broken.”
I walked away. I walked around a little. I felt anxious about leaving here there. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jan 31, 2020 | Clarity, Comfort, Connection, fitness, health, Holistic Healing, Metaphysical healing, Spiritual Practice, yoga
My friend Holly, acupuncturist and yoga teacher extraordinaire, is offering a 3 Day (Free) Yin Yang Yoga Challenge.

I love a challenge!
I also love sleep.
This challenge requires getting up at 7am (almost dawn!) three days in a row, two of which I was planning on, um, not doing that.
Then I saw Holly’s FB live last night, inviting those of us who like to sleep in (me! me!) to consider getting out of bed early to participate live. What could I do?
She had my number, as they say.
Maybe she has yours, too.
It’s not too late to join! You participate from the comfort of your own home and no special props are required—you can truly come as you are. It lasts about half an hour. Watch (and practice along!) with the replay from this morning’s class, “I am worthy”, which is posted in the group. Then join us live this Saturday and Sunday (2/1/20 and 2/2/20) morning at 7am. Just join Holly Pelletier’s Facebook Group by clicking here: 3 Day Yin Yang Yoga Challenge Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jan 26, 2020 | Being BRAVE, Clarity, Metaphysical healing
Lately, I’ve been crazed and obsessed about the number of Instagram followers I had compared to the number of people and businesses I was following.
Here’s the breakdown:
Followers: 400-ish Following: 1200+
It never bothered me before, but for some reason, as we entered 2020, it was the only thing I could think about. I spent days checking to see who was I was following who was also following me, and let me tell you, among those who were not, there were some big surprises. Anyway, it’s been about a week but I have finally finished bringing it all into better balance.

While it felt kind of petty, I also felt very strongly that it was important that I do this, so I saw it through. I’ve learned quite a bit from this exercise. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Feb 4, 2019 | Clarity, Comfort, Connection, Functional Health, health, local fun, Metaphysical healing, Spiritual Practice, yoga
I used to be very active. Even though the closest studio was a bit of a hike for me to get to, I went to yoga several times a week. It wasn’t always an easy class, either, but I went.

Practicing yoga is one of my favorite ways to exercise, but somehow, I got a way from it. A series of small things occurred, not the least of which was my favorite yoga teacher (Kristen! I miss you!) moved several states away. And the less I exercised, the more I ate.
The more I ate, the smaller my yoga clothes got.
And the smaller my yoga clothes got, the less I wanted to go to yoga. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Mar 4, 2017 | friends, Interviews, local fun, Metaphysical healing, The BRAVE Interviews
Here is #8 in The BRAVE Interview series! It’s the Who, What, When, Where, How, (and sometimes Why) of YOUR ‘one brave thing’! December’s interview is with Jennifer Greiner. 🙂
WHO are you? I am Jennifer Greiner, a strong, individual woman who knows what she wants and works hard to get it. I am passionate, caring and considerate. I am professionally a therapist but also an essential oil and hula hooping enthusiast! Part of my identity has become being a significant other to a first year Med Student. Keep reading