by Karen Creamer | Jun 1, 2020 | #getoutside, Affirmations, Being BRAVE, Clarity, news, no fear
Some questions to ponder:

Have you noticed that the violent riots being called ‘protests’ by the MSM are occurring in states that are currently locked down by tyrant governors who won’t listen to their constituents?
Have you noticed the videos posted by citizen journalists that show piles of bricks on pallets on street corners where masked rioters dressed in black are terrorizing people and smashing things up? Who put those there? They’ve said there is no construction happening in those areas. And why aren’t we hearing about this from the mainstream news broadcasts? Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jan 2, 2020 | movies, news
This is one of those movies that my husband wanted to see but I had no interest in it.
However, I have been working on broadening my horizons and doing things that I might not normally do, so I changed my mind and went with him.

This is the story of trial by media, which is ironic, because as far as I can tell, no one in the media is talking about this movie.
And they should be.
Three days after he is declared the hero for finding the bomb at the Atlanta Olympics and saving lives, he becomes the accused. Richard Jewell was a unique human being with a unique human being’s quirkiness, much of which gets turned into circumstantial evidence that was used by the FBI and the media to try to make the suspect fit the crime. The FBI had Richard Jewell, and like Greg Brady on that Johnny Bravo episode of The Brady Bunch, they desperately tried to make him ‘fit the suit’. Keep reading