This past June marked my thirty-third anniversary and my husband gifted me with an Amethyst ring, necklace, and earrings (because Amethyst is the traditional stone to mark the thirty-third year of marriage). These spark a lot of conversations because when anyone admires the jewelry, I tell them about their significance.
I’ve been thinking about all of the things that I’ve learned these past thirty-three years and decided to share them with you.
Here are my five best tips for how to stay married in midlife:Keep reading
I met the love of my life at the exact wrong time.
When I was in my teens, I thought that everyone at some point in life would meet the person they were destined to marry, the one they were supposed to be with for their whole life, their person. (I didn’t think in terms of ‘soul mate’, but if you do, then this would be the equivalent).
I met him when I was 14 years old at my first church youth group dance, and I knew! He was the one! The only problem was, he didn’t know.
As of today, we have been together over 34 years, but we almost never met.
At the time, I was working as a restaurant manager. I was happy where I was, but my store location was closing and I needed to take a new store. The one that was offered to me was one that I had no interest in taking over. None. Zero. What I discovered was that the company had zero interest in my feelings about it. It was that store or I was out of a job.Keep reading
I decided to spend some time journaling to ask Elen of the Ways what she had to tell me. After all, she didn’t just show up because Maine is an awesome place to vacation (although it is, that’s true).
Why did she show up in my life now? Not last month or last year. I did some Automatic Writing and got some interesting messages. One of them was this:
Remember the Salamanders.
Salamanders? Um, what? And then I did remember.
When I was a girl, I used to sort of collect salamanders. I would find them in the woods under rotting logs and capture them, and then put them in a shoe box. I’d bring them home and keep them on the back porch for a while. My mother was pretty tolerant of all kinds of animals but I wonder if the salamanders pushed that boundary. Probably not. Of course, i did let them go.Keep reading
I found this statue at a local thrift store a couple of months ago. I immediately felt it calling and as soon as I picked it up, I could not put it down.
Has this ever happened to you? It was an immediate, strong connection between me and the little statue. The angel is pictured with two children, a boy and a girl (is what I see), which is also what I have. Of course, this is probably a big part of what drew me to it. Anyway, I love it. I have been keeping it on my bureau where I see it frequently.
I checked it for any signature or markings that might identify where it came from, but there were none.
Imagine my surprise when I found another one very much like it at a Goodwill Store a couple of weeks ago!
It’s a sort of a mirror image of the first one. The colors are different, and the angel’s hands are in a different position, but otherwise they are so very alike! This second statue sits on my desk.Keep reading