Drift Away

I was scrolling through FB this morning and noticed this post on my friend Donna‘s page (by way of the Realm of the Witch‘s page):

I thought. oh, that was my dad’s favorite flower.

I scrolled some more and then I saw this post on Pieces of Soul FB page:

I thought, oh, that was one of my dad’s favorite songs.

I started wondering what the date was … and then I realized what was happening:

The Ides of March approacheth!

My father died on The Ides of March, March 15, 1998, about two years and two weeks after my mother died (both from cancer).

I realized that dad was saying Hello from Heaven!

So pay attention to the signs and symbols that come your way, or you might miss out on something important!

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The Rock Whisperer

I was walking at the beach and, as usual, I found myself unconsciously looking for rocks. I love rocks! Anyway, when I became aware of what I was doing,  I had the thought that maybe I should try being fully present and deliberative as I looked this time.

I set an intention to find my favorite blue rocks, but with a twist. I asked to find the ones with what I think of as ‘the faces’ on them. Almost right away one showed up. That’s the blue one on the right, above. Next, I asked for another one to be extra sure that I actually did attract the first one. That’s when the white one showed up. It’s above on the left. I think this one was white because I associate that color with the angels, and perhaps it was an angel assisting me in my quest at that moment. Keep reading

John Edward was in Portland, Maine

The last time John Edward came to Portland, I wanted to go. I’d read some of his books, taken some of his free online classes, and watched his TV show, Evolve. I couldn’t wait to see him in person!

Alas, was unable to find anyone to go with, so I stayed home.

This year when I saw he was coming again, I still wanted to go. I figured that if one year later I was still dying to see him, I had to go. The story was the same, though. I couldn’t find anyone to go with me. I also had family commitments that precluded me from going. Keep reading

Dream a little dream

Dream a little dream blog photo karencoachesWe all dream during REM sleep. Maybe some of us are better at it than others: vivid color! Logical linear timeline! People you love! Rainbows and butterflies! But we all do it. We just don’t all remember doing it.

There is plenty of advice out there about how to remember your dreams, such as programming yourself to wake up after your dream by telling yourself you will do this before you go to bed. Or, asking your guides and angels to please remind you what your dream message was. Writing it down as soon as you wake up-even if it’s in the middle of the night-can also work. Keep reading

Like attracts like in 3 acts

I have been experiencing serendipities lately, that “like attracts like” thing.


Yay! Chicken Parm! From #2

  • My author friend Kathy suggested that I look into getting my novel on the shelf at Letterpress Books. The two women I talked to there were named Karen and Kathy. As you might have already noticed, my name is Karen! and my friend’s name is Kathy!
  • I was at a restaurant with my daughter recently. The place was packed and the staff was overwhelmed. The person who should have been waiting on us was cursing under his breath, and oh, leaving us sitting there and so not waiting on us. My own anger flared, and then I thought, WWWDD (What Would Wayne Dyer Do)? So, I decided to lead with compassion when I talked to him. And it turned out very well. He went out of his way to make things nice for us after that.
  • I was at the register in a store and a woman was buying a deck of oracle cards. I heard her say she was a Gemini, then I heard the cashier say that she was a Gemini. I chimed in, “Hey, I’m a Gemini, too!” “When’s your birthday? Mine’s May 27th,” she said. “Oh! Mine’s May 28th!” I said. And then the cashier said, “Mine is (wait for it…) May 30th!” Hmmm…wonder where May 29th was?
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    Angels and pennies

    I was at the Community Market with my books today, trying not to feel discouraged by how slow it was, and the most amazing thing happened.

    the angel and the penny poem

    I had a pocketful of pennies that I brought to make change when I sold a book. The first one that I gave to someone caught my eye because it was very shiny. I thought, maybe it’s a lucky penny!

    I emptied all the pennies out onto the table. I had the idea of separating all the very shiny pennies out and to only use them to make change, so I did that.

    I had the idea to send some energy through the pennies to charge them up to be lucky for whomever received them, so I did that. Keep reading