Should I or shouldn’t I?


Have you ever been in a decision-making quandary? Should I stay or should I go? Is this good or is this bad? Should I do it now or should I wait?

A pendulum can be a handy (no pun intended 🙂 ) tool to come to your rescue. This chakra quartz crystal pendulum came from Lavish Earth. I wasn’t looking for a pendulum that day, but (as so often happens), this pendulum was looking for me.

I love it when things like that happen!

To clear your crystal pendulum of any unwanted or stagnant energy (either when you first bring it home or when it’s not giving you clear answers), you have several options. Today, I am clearing my pendulum by leaving it out in the sunlight for a while. That’s all. Keep reading

Angel and oracle cards

You can book a card reading (either with me-see my metaphysical services page or with others) to have an angel cardsangel card reading, but you can also do your own! There are dozens and dozens (hundreds?) of different card decks out there, so you are certain to find cards that resonate with you. Some excellent stores, like Zen and Company, have open boxes of the card decks so you can see what the cards actually look like and if they speak to you before you buy them.

As for how to give yourself a reading, every deck I have ever used comes with instructions and often a little guide book to help you get started. There is no shortage of how-to videos on You Tube to help you learn as well. The best guide, however, is your own intuition. The more you work with your cards, the more confident you will feel that you are getting accurate insights from them. Keep reading

Wish rocks

I first learned about wish rocks years and years ago from an article about them I read in a magazine (sorry, I forget which one) by (I think) Pamela Redmond Satran.

wish rock

A wish rock is a rock that has a stripe that goes all the way around the circumference of it. It can be thick or thin, even or wavy. Sometimes, if you are really lucky, you see double wish rocks-2 lines going around the stone.

When you find one, you can hold it in your hand, infuse it with some wishes (just speak your wishes, either aloud or silently to yourself, to the stone), and that’s it! Carry it in your pocket, put it on your bureau, or whatever you like. Keep reading


Maybe the first name that comes to mind when  you think of affirmations is Louise Hay, but maybe the first name you think of should be your own.


What exactly are affirmations, anyway? Simply this: something that you tell yourself, over and over.

We all use affirmations every single day, whether we know it or not. Of course, there are positive ones, and there are negative ones. Which ones are you using?

Today, for example, did you tell yourself:

  • I am too fat.
  • I am such an idiot!
  • I am always late.

Try to catch yourself when you are saying something negative to yourself, and flip it. Keep reading

Envision your new year

Consider making a vision board, or collage, or SoulCollage (TM) card for 2016.  If you have chosen a word for this year, you may want to incorporate this into your project in some way, either by putting the actual word in your work, or choosing images that evoke the feeling that your word gives you when you think about it.

vision board

There are many ways to get images for free or very inexpensively:

  1. Old magazines from the library, or from a dentist’s or doctor’s office.
  2. The Dollar Store sometimes has inexpensive books that have interesting images in them.
  3. Old calendars are also often a good source. I found a horse calendar from the feed store that was full of beautiful pictures of horses.
  4. You can print images from your computer, including your personal photos, if you would like to use them.

These are just some ideas to get you going.

What can you create for yourself in 2016?

FULL DISCLOSURE: I have not yet done my vision board for 2016! A friend who is also having trouble getting hers done mentioned that Mercury has been retrograde…aha! It’s not my fault! I have cut out many images and bought a lovely blue poster board, but that’s it.  The photo here is of last year’s board. Keep reading