Last night I was working on a Vision Board in preparation for a class I am teaching next month. For this particuIar project, I was trying to avoid looking at the words and focus just on the images, so it took me a while to notice how many of the ads in the magazine were drug company ads.

I decided to go back to the beginning and tear out all of the pharmaceutical ads.

I could not believe it!

So many ads telling us that we are broken, faulty, but don’t worry–we can sell you a medication for that! A toxic, potentially deadly, medication.

The most egregious of these is the Gardasil ad. I recently heard this vaccine referred to as “Garda-kill” by Brandy Vaughn (a former drug company rep for Merck). Think about that.

Next time you are offered a drug or a vaccine (or any medical intervention or treatment), ask questions.

If you only ask one question, let it be this: Can I see the package insert for that? And if you are #brave enough to ask a second question of your healthcare provider, ask this: Have you read it?

Brandy Vaughan founded to help us make informed decisions about pharmaceuticals.

It’s time to do our own research about what we are putting into our bodies.

Take back your power! Get my new book here: Honor Your Health

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