I’ve been thinking about choosing #Faith as My One Word for many years now.

This idea occurred to me when I was writing one of my books. My maternal grandmother had triplet sisters that, sadly, didn’t survive infancy. They were so tiny that they put them into bureau drawers to sleep instead of cribs (according to my memory of family lore, which may or may not be fully accurate).

Their names were Faith, Hope, and Charity.

I thought  it would be great to honor them by choosing one (and maybe more in the future) of their names as My One Word to focus on for the year.

This is the year.

I didn’t get the engraved “faith” stone for this particular purpose; I already I had it. It’s flanked by an Amethyst and a Smoky Quartz that I love. I gave it a place of honor, a place where I will see it frequently throughout the day.

I will begin working with my new word by looking at one definition that I found online:

faith /fāTH/ noun

Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.

I like it. 🙂 


Do you follow the practice of My One Word? If you do, comment below with your word for 2020.