Before the event that sent me to the ER in the middle of the night (read about that here), I was seeing the same number series over and over: 123.

And the night it happened, at one point I looked at the clock and there it was: 1:23AM.

I have always noticed numbers, patterns, and sequences [Full disclosure: I was in the math honor society in high school and I took Calculus in college for fun] so this was nothing new for me. For weeks, I saw 123 on clocks, on license plates, on TV … and of course I had to look up a meaning for this.

I like to go to Sacred Scribes Angel Numbers website for this.

Here is what they say:

“Number 1 encourages you to step forward and start something new, different and life-changing. Number 2 sets you on your course with balance, faith and ability, and number 3 sees expansion of concepts and life-themes, and expressing and communicating from your authentic self.”

I think this is a great way to look at the situation and find the good in it that right, I have to tell you, I am having trouble finding.

Like the saying goes: When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

To be continued … Read Part 3 here