I knew almost nothing about this book before requested it from the library. I don’t even remember how I heard about it but it was next in the pile, and so I started reading it.

Right away, Small World had my attention because it mentioned a place that I had actually worked, The Walter E. Fernald State School, one of my first jobs after I became a nurse.
A bit later in the book it mentions Paragon Park and Nantasket Beach. My parents met there, and my grandmother had a house in that area for many years. We often visited her for Sunday dinner when I was younger.

Talk about a “small world”!!

Even one of the topics of the book (noisy neighbors) hit the mark.

This book touched me on so many levels.

You could even say it is changing my life, because while I was reading it, I decided to actually go to Nantasket Beach, where I haven’t been for over 20 years. I invited my friend that was with me the last time I was there and she accepted. We have a road trip planned for the spring.


Moral: You never know where inspiration to change your life might come from.

Be open to it!