by Karen Creamer | Aug 6, 2017 | books, The BRAVE Interviews, writing
Please enjoy this month’s interview with Jennifer Davies!
Hello everyone, I’m thrilled to be here as a featured guest in the Brave series. Thank you Karen for inviting me! A few facts about me; my name is Jennifer Davies, and I’m a fifty something mom with four boys, two cats, a dog, and a husband in tow. I have been married for twenty-one years this August to my best friend and strongest supporter. I’m originally from Wales in the UK which is why I have a funny accent, but I now reside on the East Coast of America in New England. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jul 4, 2017 | Interviews, The BRAVE Interviews
Please enjoy this month’s interview with Amanda Moore!
I am Amanda Moore and I live in Southern Maine. I am raising three children, ranging from second grade to college. I was raised to be brave and encouraged by my grandfather early on to think creatively.

My recent “Brave Thing” is part of my continued focus to balance life and participate again in the creative parts. Writing , drawing, painting, along with reading, cooking, and gardening!
Three years ago, I began by using technology to connect with my talented group of friends. Day Dreamers Book Group opened up to me what others are creating: artists, musicians, writers, deep thinkers! Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jun 2, 2017 | family, Functional Health, health, Interviews, The BRAVE Interviews
Here is this month’s BRAVE Interview with Chris Ann:
The concept of being brave has never been a foreign one to me. Bravery is what I have embodied through out my life. I was brave when I become very ill as a child and had to suffer painful stomach problems when the doctors could not figure the issues until I was an adult. Bravery is what I had to channel when I was a young woman going to the big city of Boston to be an intern. I was so scared to take the train in by myself and navigate the streets of Boston to later become the youngest, degreed Sign Language Interpreter in the State of Massachusetts. I was brave when I was no longer able to work due to a life altering work injury. I was brave when I suffered miscarriage after miscarriage in my pursuit of being a Mom. Brave was all that I could be! Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | May 21, 2017 | Rocks and Crystals, Signs and Symbols, Spiritual Practice

I was walking at the beach and, as usual, I found myself unconsciously looking for rocks. I love rocks! Anyway, when I became aware of what I was doing, I had the thought that maybe I should try being fully present and deliberative as I looked this time.
I set an intention to find my favorite blue rocks, but with a twist. I asked to find the ones with what I think of as ‘the faces’ on them. Almost right away one showed up. That’s the blue one on the right, above. Next, I asked for another one to be extra sure that I actually did attract the first one. That’s when the white one showed up. It’s above on the left. I think this one was white because I associate that color with the angels, and perhaps it was an angel assisting me in my quest at that moment. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | May 11, 2017 | Adult children, family, The BRAVE Interviews, writing
Please enjoy this month’s BRAVE Interview with Andrea!
WHO are you? My name is Andrea Maffeo and I am Karen’s sister-in-law. LOL! I am a medical secretary and have worked for MGH Medical Group for 18 years now. I have been married for over 25 years to the most patient man a wife could ever ask for. Honestly don’t know what I would do without him.
WHAT is your One Brave Thing? My one brave thing is not something you would expect…….but to me it was my one brave thing. It’s not something I did for myself like overcome a fear, it’s something I did for someone else. Keep reading