Happiness at the Saco River Market

jggreenthinking-jenniferNext time you go to the Saco Market in Biddeford, make sure you experience the therapeutic scents from Green Thinking.

I met Jennifer Greiner at the market when I overheard someone asking her about her ‘Grounded’ and ‘Happiness’ rollers and I went over to investigate. She invited me to try out some of the samples, and I had a hard time picking out a favorite. She suggested I put it on and wait a little while, sort of sit with it, until I was sure. This was a great strategy. Keep reading

The BRAVE Interview #6 January 2017: Linda Buoncuore

Hello! Here is The BRAVE Interview for this month. ENJOY!

lindaI guess it’s not the biggest thing anyone has ever done, and of course many have already done it, I am sure.  I am an introvert in many ways. Going to work everyday in sales is a challenge for me, as many people are not very nice, as this society has changed so much. I brave going to work everyday, and holding my composure to many that think that the world revolves only around them. I used to work part-time, but now I am full-time, which makes it harder and sometimes tiresome to trudge through the day-to-day occurrences.  Retail is not easy, and it’s not my dream job, but I get through it. Keep reading

Dream a little dream

Dream a little dream blog photo karencoachesWe all dream during REM sleep. Maybe some of us are better at it than others: vivid color! Logical linear timeline! People you love! Rainbows and butterflies! But we all do it. We just don’t all remember doing it.

There is plenty of advice out there about how to remember your dreams, such as programming yourself to wake up after your dream by telling yourself you will do this before you go to bed. Or, asking your guides and angels to please remind you what your dream message was. Writing it down as soon as you wake up-even if it’s in the middle of the night-can also work. Keep reading

The BRAVE Interview #5 December 2016: Jeanne Emerson

Here is #5 in The BRAVE Interview series! It’s the Who, What, When, Where, How,  (and sometimes Why) of YOUR ‘one brave thing’! December’s interview is with Jeanne Emerson!

jeanne-emersonWho: Hi. My name is Jeanne Emerson.  I’m a grandma, gardener, artist, yogi, retired social worker and grieving mother.  I’m fortunate to live in a peaceful and cozy home in southern Maine…it is my sanctuary.  I am calm here, reflective, often tearful and recently, joyful…again.  And, I’m about to celebrate my 65th birthday.  WOW. Keep reading

The BRAVE Interview #4 November 2016: Kristen Conley Leighton

Hello and welcome to the next in the series of The BRAVE Interviews! It’s the Who, What, When, Where, How,  (and sometimes Why) of YOUR ‘one brave thing’!


Welcome to Interview #4 with Kristen Conley Leighton!

  1. WHO are you? Share whatever you want to about yourself personally.

Wow, so we’re starting with the hardest question!  Most days, I’m not really sure.   That statement can be traced back to the day I was born.  See, I was switched at birth.  Truly.  I was somehow confused with another baby girl born at almost the exact same time.  The next morning, a nurse arrived in my mother’s room with the wrong bundle. “That’s not my baby,” my mother said to her.  “Go back and try again.”    Keep reading