by Karen Creamer | Jun 28, 2016 | Vaccines
Remember when the CDC released its conclusions from the study conducted to look at the link between autism and the MMR vaccine? I do. I remember getting a very strong feeling that what they reported was a lie.
Guess what? I wasn’t the only one. Del Bigtree is among the others that also had questions. Concerns. Also, so many parents, who brought their normal child in for the MMR vaccine and took their changed, possibly forever, child home with them.
This movie is not funded by “Big Pharma”. What does that mean? It means that you will receive the facts. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jun 26, 2016 | books, Crystals, Rocks and Crystals, Spiritual Practice
I was packing up my stuff to bring to my book sale and signing, when it occurred to me that maybe some of my crystals wanted to come with me. Which ones, though? I could see that the rose quartz was dying to come with. Rose quartz is all about love, and so is my book. Loving others, but also loving oneself. Rose quartz? You are so coming to the party.
Citrine was another no-brainer. Hello? Prosperity!!! Abundance!!! Bring it.
Celestite: Calming. Aids communication. Yes, I need that. I added it to the pile. I also wore a blue lace agate necklace. This stone helps with clarity and communication as well. I love it! Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jun 19, 2016 | Angels, Signs and Symbols, Spiritual Practice
I have been working on a book about my metaphysical practices for about six months now, and it’s going very well, except for one thing.
I am not sure what to call it! It’s not that I can’t think of a title, it’s that I can think of so many titles that I don’t know which one to pick. This also happened to me when I was writing my novel, One Brave Thing.
One day, I had a very vivid dream, where I heard a phrase very clearly, and it woke me up. I didn’t even have to write this down, it was so clear (but of course, I did!). When I first got it, I wasn’t sure of its significance. Of course, I knew it was important, I just wasn’t sure why. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jun 18, 2016 | Angels, Book Reviews
I was approached by the author to do a guest post here on my blog and that’s how this book came to my attention. Don’t you love it when interesting books find you?
Any girl worth her salt has probably kept a journal or two in her time, whether she privately thought of it as her diary, just a notebook, or a pile of random napkins and Post-its (me!), it provided an outlet for thoughts and feelings that needed to be voiced.
What I love about Z.Z. Rae’s book is that she took the traditional, time-honored concept of the journal and blended it together with keeping a dream journal (which I just started talking about in my Metaphysical Monday videos!) and incorporating messages that come through from angels and guides to create a useful reference that serves us all. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jun 15, 2016 | Angels, Guest Posts
And why shouldn’t we be?
VIENNA – JULY 3: Guardian angel with the child paint from side altar in baroque Jesuits church from 18. cent. on July 3, 2013 Vienna.
Angels have been a mystery that the known world cannot explain.
I began a journal a couple months back, during my meditations. Nothing too special about that, right?
Well, in this journal, I asked the angels for guidance about wealth. As a result, I put the guidance together and formed my new book: Angel Guidance for Wealth.
I was thrilled and excited to share this with people. Here is a sample of guidance I received.
Angel Chamuel
Everyday hold a picture in your heart of what you desire. Not the absence of that which you desire, but see yourself living with it, holding it, and walking in it. When you pull that which you desire into your heart, and let love flood you, it will start coming toward you at a higher rate. I know it feels slow at times—but the more you pull it toward your heart and believe you have it, it will come rushing toward you at a higher paced rate. Believing is the key to prosperity in your life. I know you’ve heard that before. I know you’ve heard that you need to try affirmations, and while affirmations have many good traits, you must also hold the picture inside of you that says—I have it. Some may scoff at your living-it-right-now attitude, but pay them no attention. Keep reading