by Karen Creamer | Jul 19, 2023 | Clarity, Crystals, health, Spiritual Practice
Over the years, I have had an on-again, off-again relationship with meditation.
I like the idea of it, but I don’t always like to make time to do it.
There are just so many other things that I have to do every day … although I do feel calmer if I start my day by sitting for a while without my phone or other distractions clamoring for my attention every minute.
My meditation practice was definitely languishing recently …
and then I found this cool hour glass at a thrift shop!
See the cool hourglass with pink sand is on the right!
I also came upon some new crystals (one was given to me by a friend, and one I had already and rediscovered). I found this great Solar Plexus/Purpose candle at my favorite place to get crystals, Zen and Company. And, of course, Owl. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jul 10, 2023 | books, Clarity, Signs and Symbols, Spiritual Practice
I was watching a presentation in a Facebook Group recently and the speaker briefly mentioned totem animals.
This got me thinking that Owl might be a totem animal for me. I looked it up in Animal-Speak Pocket Guide by Ted Andrews. Here is what I read: “Spirits are strong around you. Attend to dreams and to heightened senses. It is up to you to act on that guidance.”
And then suddenly, Owl seemed to be popping up everywhere! It was happening so often that I decided to take some photos of them all (See slideshow below).
The best Owl appearance of all was one I couldn’t get a photo of because it happened too fast. As my husband and I were driving home from the harbor (water!), a large owl flew across the street in front of us and then swooped up into the trees. It was an amazing sight! Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jul 5, 2023 | (it's all about the) food, Connection, family, italian, relationships
My husband and I celebrated 32 years of marriage this month.
We decided to go to Calzolaio Pasta Company in Wilton, Maine.
As of today, we have been together over 34 years, but we almost never met.
At the time, I was working as a restaurant manager. I was happy where I was, but my store location was closing and I needed to take a new store. The one that was offered to me was one that I had no interest in taking over. None. Zero. What I discovered was that the company had zero interest in my feelings about it. It was that store or I was out of a job. Keep reading