by Karen Creamer | May 23, 2018 | author, Being BRAVE, books, Comfort
I have a new book coming out (watch the book trailer here: Honor Your Health), so I decided it was time to update my head shot for the cover and the new website I was working on. Do any of you like to get your picture taken? I do NOT.

My former head shot was fairly painless to obtain, because the photographer who was doing my daughter’s senior high school pictures allowed me to tag along and she took a couple of shots of me, too. So this was all about her, not me. Easier for me to manage not feeling awkward and such. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | May 11, 2018 | Being BRAVE, Clarity
I do a lot of things. For years, I have had multiple online presences. I had several websites and Facebook pages and was writing books and blog posts and so forth. Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube? Check, check, and check.
You are probably pretty busy and doing a lot of things every day, too, so maybe you can relate to this.
One day, someone said: Karen! I went to the website link you gave me, and then I followed the link to another one of your websites, and then I clicked on one of your pages, and now I am so confused! What is it that you do, exactly? Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | May 1, 2018 | Being BRAVE, books, Brave books, Catching women being brave, Clarity, Comfort, family, Interviews, relationships, The BRAVE Interviews
Welcome to this month’s BRAVE Interview with Melanie Delorme!
I am a teacher, a wife, a mother, an author who was given the role of bereaved mom in 2008 when my 8-year-old son, Garrett, was accidentally shot and killed in a hunting accident.
It would have been so easy to allow this horrific experience to define me as a grief-stricken mom for the rest of my life. I’m not sure how long it took me to realize that Garrett deserved a better legacy than that.
I also realized that healing and moving forward was my choice.
I try to choose every day to celebrate Garrett’s life and to remember that knowing him for eight years made me a better person.
I spent a lot of time writing in a journal during the first few years after Garrett’s death. I have since turned my writing into a book and published it. It is entitled, After the Flowers Die: A Handbook of Heartache, Hope and Healing After Losing a Child. I do not want any bereaved parent to ever feel alone. I have recently created a website, promoted my book at book signings, participated in my first TV interview, participated in a live grief webinar. Currently I am working on creating a journaling course for grieving parents. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Apr 1, 2018 | Being BRAVE, Catching women being brave, Clarity, no fear, relationships, The BRAVE Interviews
Welcome to this month’s interview with Stormie Grace!

Being Brave…
Hello everyone I am Astrologer Stormie Grace! …….really what I am is just a human! That comes with its pretty standard fears, insecurities, Delights, Mysteries, and all else that encompasses The Human Experience pause. The two qualities I’ve been invited to talk to you about today from my experience are fear and bravery.
No matter how it presents itself, fear always has this low-level vibration telling me I am somehow not enough as I am, and God forbid I get any different because then I’ll definitely be not enough.
If you know what I’m talking about, you know what I’m talking about, but really, in my experience what Fear actually is actually is the thief that robs me from my life. It should absolutely be classified with stealing, yeah, because it robs me of the moments I could be experiencing how enough I am! And how much Beauty there is in the enough to notice. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Mar 1, 2018 | author, Being BRAVE, Catching women being brave, Interviews, no fear, The BRAVE Interviews, Travel
Here is this month’s BRAVE Interview with Crissy Maier!
WHO are you? Someone who overcomes challenges. Whether it’s my cleft lip and palate, my learning disability, my struggles through the police academy, other health issues, problems at work – I’m not defined by any of them, but rather by my ability to integrate the lessons I’ve learned and to find ways to overcome the next challenge I will face.
WHAT is your One Brave Thing? Sometimes I wonder if I’ve done it yet. I seem to have succeeded at everything I’ve tried, or at least not failed miserably. I might need to try something harder to really be brave. But when thinking about this question, I’m reminded of my first trip to Europe. I arrived in London, almost got lost going to my hotel even though I had step by step instructions. The next day I got on a hop on and off bus and at the stop in Trafalgar Square I wanted to get off the bus, but I was afraid of getting off the bus. In some ways it was an insignificant moment, but it’s a moment that I’ve reminded myself of many, many times. It’s a moment that inspired an entire chapter of my book. It took a minute or two to talk myself into it, but I got off the bus at Trafalgar Square. I didn’t venture too far away from the bus stop, but I broke a barrier of fear. I traveled through Europe for two weeks before returning to London. When I did, I was a completely different person, I was taking the Tube to sites that I didn’t know how to get to and navigating the streets of London like I would the streets at home. It’s one of those rare opportunities in life when I got to see how much I had changed in a short period of time. When I’m afraid of something, I often think back to that experience.
WHEN did you do it? That was in 2005
WHERE did it occur? London and Europe
HOW and WHY did you make it happen? The woman who stepped off the plane in London in 2005 was ready for adventure, to see the world. But she was afraid of the unknown, of getting lost. But she was more afraid of missing out, or being a “failure.” When fear holds us back, sometimes we need to break down what the fear is, and what the realistic ‘bad’ outcome is. When we think of it logically, it’s usually not nearly as bad as it seems. It’s not always easy to do, it takes time and discipline. More importantly though, I think knowing why you want to do something, and the cost of not doing it, can be enough to give you the discipline needed to overcome the fear you have. If I wasn’t committed to seeing London (in one day), then maybe I wouldn’t have gotten off the bus and found out that it’s not so scary to face your fear.
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by Karen Creamer | Feb 1, 2018 | Being BRAVE, Catching women being brave, Interviews, The BRAVE Interviews
Welcome to this month’s interview with my good friend, Barbara Ryland!
My Brave Thing

As a child growing up, I had no father.
My parents were divorced when I was an infant, and my father moved far away. I had no contact with him, with any of his siblings or with my paternal grandparents. After I married and had my own children, it became very important to me to meet my paternal grandmother who was in her 80’s. I wanted so much to know her before she died. So I made plans to go to Gulfport, Mississippi, where she lived and where my father had grown up. I had hopes of meeting him, also, but he was living in Texas, and I was unsure if he would be able to meet me in Mississippi. Keep reading