by Karen Creamer | Oct 29, 2023 | Being BRAVE, Book Reviews, books, Brave books, Catching women being brave
Her Badass Story by Dr. Lori Monaco is a compilation of stories written by nine brave women.

These experiences of these women surely will resonate with something you have experienced in your own life. Many of them started their lives behind the eight ball–behind many eight balls, in some cases.
But this is not where their stories end. It’s where they begin.
Geronda Wollack-Spiller’s words in Chapter 7 will feel true for anyone who has ever lived in an abusive household: “My home was not my shelter …” as will Chenille Hernandez’s words in Chapter 3 for anyone whose job has taken a turn for the worst: “My dream job became my shit job.” Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Mar 21, 2023 | Book Reviews, books, Connection
I knew almost nothing about this book before requested it from the library. I don’t even remember how I heard about it but it was next in the pile, and so I started reading it.
Right away, Small World had my attention because it mentioned a place that I had actually worked, The Walter E. Fernald State School, one of my first jobs after I became a nurse.
A bit later in the book it mentions Paragon Park and Nantasket Beach. My parents met there, and my grandmother had a house in that area for many years. We often visited her for Sunday dinner when I was younger. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jan 31, 2023 | Book Reviews, books, Connection
I heard about this book from someone on a YouTube channel and requested it from the library.

Before I started reading it, I noticed that everyone was recommending this book and also it was being featured in a lot of book clubs. When I picked it up from the library, the librarian mentioned that “they” are already talking about making this book into a movie. This actually almost put me off reading it, but I decided to forge ahead.
What’s great about this book: SO MUCH! It made me laugh out loud several times, which is not an every day occurrence for me as a reader. Also, the main characters were all so very interesting, even—maybe especially—the dog, and each is quite brave in their own way. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Sep 15, 2020 | Book Reviews, books, Metaphysical healing
I have been looking forward to reading this book, Freedom through Numbers: by Finding Your “I AM” by Darlene Chadbourne, for a long time.
I was not disappointed!
In this book, Darlene gives you the tools and a clear explanation of how to do your own numbers and how to interpret what they mean. This is hands on and fun! She also shares her own midlife journey that will inspire and motivate you. I learned some things about myself (such as: “I’m an overdone 6? Huh. Explains a lot … ) that gave me insight into some patterns of behavior in my life and as it’s been said many times, “Knowledge is power!” This book is about Numerology and so much more. You’ll love it! Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Feb 5, 2020 | author, Book Reviews, books, Connection
As I mentioned in a prior post, I spent many hours reading the Nancy Drew mysteries when I was a girl, and I loved every one of them. As an adult, I have one of them on my book shelf currently. I chose to buy this one, The Mystery at Lilac Inn, because lilacs are my favorite flowers.

In one of the online courses I created, Go Back to Go Forward, we re-read a book from our girlhood now, to see how the perspective of adulthood changes our interpretation of the book and the insights gained from it. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jan 23, 2020 | author, Book Reviews, books, Comfort, writing
I had an Emily Dickinson Poetry book for kids years ago. In one of my frenzied de-cluttering efforts, I included it in the bags of books I donated. Now that new life has been breathed into my love of Emily Dickinson by way of Hailee Steinfeld’s #Dickinson (tired of hearing about that yet?), I want it back.
This book is sitting on my current writing desk
I am trying to console myself from missing it by imagining the book in the hands of someone who needed it more than I did and who loves it more than anything.
I decided to get it from the library before I buy it again. Maybe I just need to visit it. This book is organized according to the seasons. I decided to dive right into “Winter”. The illustrations really bring the words to vibrant life. They reach in and grab your heart and hold it tightly, just like Emily’s words. Keep reading