Totem animals

I was watching a presentation in a Facebook Group recently and the speaker briefly mentioned totem animals.

This got me thinking that Owl might be a totem animal for me. I looked it up in Animal-Speak Pocket Guide by Ted Andrews. Here is what I read: “Spirits are strong around you. Attend to dreams and to heightened senses. It is up to you to act on that guidance.”

And then suddenly, Owl seemed to be popping up everywhere! It was happening so often that I decided to take some photos of them all (See slideshow below).

The best Owl appearance of all was one I couldn’t get a photo of because it happened too fast. As my husband and I were driving home from the harbor (water!), a large owl flew across the street in front of us and then swooped up into the trees. It was an amazing sight! Keep reading

Mala meditation

My friend recommended this book to me last year.

I looked at it and remembered that I had a mala somewhere that looked exactly like that one on the cover!

I took this as a sign to read the book.

It drew me in right away and I recommend The Magic Mala by Bob Olson to anyone who is looking for motivation and structure to help with their floundering (or non-existent) meditation practice. I found my mala and started meditating. After several months, I got away from it but recently it popped into my mind so I pulled the book and the mala out again. Keep reading

An important anniversary 👵

My mother was here from 3.13.40 to 2.29.96.

[This photo of us was taken on my 26th birthday]

This Leap Day is an important anniversary for me because the day itself, being rare, is causing me to pause and reflect. I am older than she ever got to be. I feel like it’s so important to make these years really meaningful, since I am blessed to have them, when she (not to mention so many others) was not. Keep reading


I was feeling discouraged about how things were going in my business recently when I ran into a dear friend at one of my favorite local health and wellness shops. After we hugged, she asked me how things were going, and I said something about being stalled–whatever I said, I’m sure my discouragement shone through.

Then she reached into her pocket and pulled out this crystal and put it in my hand.

“Take this. It’s fluorite. It’s for determination,” she told me. Keep reading