BOOK REVIEW: A Still, Small Voice by Echo Bodine

I was in the middle of two other books when I suddenly felt an urgency to read this book. Echo Bodine still small coverI picked this one up and put the others aside. I read another book by this author last year, Hands That Heal, and enjoyed it very much. This book popped up in much the same way, out of the blue. I forget how I even learned about it!

So right at the beginning, Echo talks about listening to her mother. This resonated with me because just this week, I was talking someone (My husband? My daughter? My higher self? I forget!) about how I never listened to my mother. I have no idea why I didn’t. But my mom, as Echo describes her mom, “…always had an uncanny knowing about everything that happened in our lives.”  It was unsettling, I always thought. Now I know why: it was her intuition. Keep reading

Which crystals to bring to your book sale

I was packing up my stuff to bring to my book sale and signing, when it occurred to me that maybe some of my crystals wanted to come with me. Which ones, though? I could see that the rose quartz was dying to come with. Rose quartz is all about love, and so is my book. Loving others, but also loving oneself. Rose quartz? You are so coming to the party.

book sale crystals

Citrine was another no-brainer. Hello? Prosperity!!! Abundance!!! Bring it.

Celestite: Calming. Aids communication. Yes, I need that. I added it to the pile. I also wore a blue lace agate necklace. This stone helps with clarity and communication as well. I love it! Keep reading

What to call your book

I have been working on a book about my metaphysical practices for about six months now, and it’s going very well, except for one thing.
I am not sure what to call it!  It’s not that I can’t think of a title, it’s that I can think of so many titles that I don’t know which one to pick. This also happened to me when I was writing my novel, One Brave Thing.

Dream blog photo

One day, I had a very vivid dream, where I heard a phrase very clearly, and it woke me up. I didn’t even have to write this down, it was so clear (but of course, I did!). When I first got it, I wasn’t sure of its significance.  Of course, I knew it was important, I just wasn’t sure why. Keep reading

BOOK REVIEW: Growing Up Psychic by Chip Coffey

You don’t have to suspect your child of psychic tendencies to enjoy Growing Up Psychic book coverreading Growing Up Psychic by Chip Coffey, but if you do, then you’ve found your book. Chip knows his topic from both sides of the equation. He was a psychic kid, and he has worked extensively to help other psychic kids understand, appreciate, and own their individual gifts. He likens psychic ability with, say, the ability to play the flute. He levels the playing field, and thereby makes psychic kids just…kids. Every kid is special and every kid has their own unique abilities. The trick is to foster their confidence and understanding and keep ignorance-related fear at bay. Keep reading

How much is that doggie?

I met a doggie at Zen and Company that my friends Sue and Don are fostering. A troubled dog. A dog that was in trouble. The kind of dog that probably wouldn’t be the first choice of many people to take home. An imperfect dog. Flawed.

Her name? Here’s the thing: whenever I think, What’s her name? I immediately hear, “Ivy”. But that’s not her name.

Her name is Piper Sage. Piper Sage is the luckiest unlucky dog in the world, because she is now with Sue and Don, who have big compassionate hearts that are wrapping Ivy–I mean Piper–in love and protection and support right now. They have done it before for other dogs, and they will surely do it again for new, as yet unmet, dogs.  Lucky dogs. Keep reading

On the right track?

I get a lot of my big ideas near the water, and often that means at the ocean.  One particular day when I was dreaming big and wondering if it was too big, I asked the Universe, “Am I on the right track with this?”


I kept listening for an answer, and the signs arrived pretty soon thereafter. I saw a mussel shell, a small one, that reminded me of my childhood when I often spent summer days at Nantasket Beach with my grandmother. I collected these shells and kept them in a shoebox on her front porch. Keep reading