All risk, no benefit

I used to tell people to read the package insert before they made a decision about whether or not to get a vaccination. I directed them in particular to review the ingredient list and the side effects. I used to say, “Make a pros and cons list to weigh the potential benefits against the known risks.”

These things are vitally important to educate yourself about prior to getting a vaccine.

And then the truth came out about Infanrix

Corvelva, an Italian company, decided to test some vials of every vaccine to find out what they contain. The first vaccine they studied was ‘Infanrix Hexa’. [As an aside, I can’t help but note that the distressing name, “HEXa”, turns out to be foreshadowing …] Keep reading

Why I’m unsubscribing from Good Housekeeping

Last night I was working on a Vision Board in preparation for a class I am teaching next month. For this particuIar project, I was trying to avoid looking at the words and focus just on the images, so it took me a while to notice how many of the ads in the magazine were drug company ads.

I decided to go back to the beginning and tear out all of the pharmaceutical ads.

I could not believe it!

So many ads telling us that we are broken, faulty, but don’t worry–we can sell you a medication for that! A toxic, potentially deadly, medication.

The most egregious of these is the Gardasil ad. I recently heard this vaccine referred to as “Garda-kill” by Brandy Vaughn (a former drug company rep for Merck). Think about that. Keep reading

Why it’s important to consider your position on abortion before getting some vaccines

This is probably not something you thought you’d need to factor into your decision-making.

Maybe you’re like me. I used to think that vaccine bottles contained some form of antigen and saline, and not much else.

And then I learned about mercury. And aluminum.

I thought these things were probably bad to have injected into our bodies. Alas, I did not know vaccines contained these and other materials when I was making most of my vaccine decisions.

I started to question the process after I became a nurse. In nursing school, I was taught that nurses need a physician’s order to administer a drug. After I graduated and was out in the ‘real world’, I learned about flu shots being given out in the community at senior centers and such. I asked how nurses could be giving these shots to people without a doctor’s order. I asked about the process of informed consent, which I was taught was required before any medical intervention. Keep reading

Whooping Cough Vaccine? Big Bad Lie!

Whooping Cough Vaccine? Big Bad Lie!

I watched this commercial on TV and my jaw dropped:

This is personal for me because I had my own experience several years ago with the whooping cough vaccine. I was seeing a new doctor because my beloved primary care doctor had left the practice. As part of the visit, the new doctor offered me the Pertussis (aka Whooping Cough Vaccine), which I declined.

But she wouldn’t let it go.

She started to alternately re-offer it, to try to persuade me to agree to have it, and then to cajole me into it, without success. My decision was made prior to my encounter with her. And then she shocked me by forcefully making this statement: Keep reading

When common sense ‘flu’ the coop

When common sense ‘flu’ the coop

You can’t take 5 steps into the Walmart parking lot without encountering that many flu shot signs.

What the heck?

If you are considering getting a flu shot, please educate yourself first. To learn, really learn about the flu shot (what’s in it, what the potential side effects are, etc.), you owe it to yourself to set aside the time to watch at least one of the experts on the topic, such as Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, so that you can make an informed health decision. Note: This video includes valuable information about other vaccines as well, if you want to listen to it in its entirety here.

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Keep your guard up against Gardasil

Keep your guard up against Gardasil

 The CDC just approved Gardasil for adults 27 to 46 years old.

This is bad news.

Reasons why you might want to think long and hard before you get this vaccine:

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) states this on their website: “Most high-risk HPV infections occur without any symptoms, go away within 1 to 2 years, and do not cause cancer.”

Ask around in your community. Almost everyone knows someone who has received the Gardasil Vaccine who had a seizure, passed out after receiving it, and/or developed an ‘auto-immune’ disorder.

It might be affecting fertility. Watch here:

The studies to evaluate Gardasil safety did not use a true placebo, but instead used Aluminium as the ‘placebo’ (an adjuvant found in the vaccine!). The one study that I did find that made reference to a placebo being used, Protocol 18, reported it as ‘Saline*’. Keep reading